Chapter Two

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What is this?

There's something soft against my head... I can't see anything but... My hands are clutching... A blanket?

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a pair of cold iron ones.

"W-where am I!? Who are you?" I shot up from the bed I had been placed in.

Big mistake....

"Fuck!" I grasped my throbbing head and leaned forward, eyes shut tight in the process.

"Language, brat." The man scolded, narrowing his icy gaze.

"S-sorry, what happened?... We didn't sleep together did we?" It wouldn't be the first time I had woken up next to some strange man after a hazy drunken night.

He scoffed. "Relax, I assure you my disco stick hasn't been anyway near your underaged ass."

I sighed. "So why am I here then?

"You tell me. I found you all beat up like this at the nearby park. Seen better days huh kid?

And that's when it all came back to me.

"I'm fine, just a misunderstanding."

He arched a thin brow. "Pretty extreme for a misunderstanding if you ask me."

I let out a shaky forced laugh. "Well you know how it is, underaged asses and all. This kinda stuff isn't too abnormal hehe."

His "yeah right" expression grew even stronger and the perfect brow further raised.

And it was at that moment that I realised...

This guy was completely drop dead fucking gorgeous.

He had perfect pale skin that provided a lovely contrast with his undercut, jet-black hair, his eyebrows remarkably thin, shadowing heavily lidded narrow eyes, steel grey in colour. His jawline was sharp and defined and at the moment he was wearing a large leather overcoat over leather pants.

All I could do was stare...

My drooling however was interrupted by an impatient cough. "Listen brat if you wanna tell me what really happened to you, let me know, but right now I have to go to work. Feel free to eat anything in the kitchen so long as you don't make a mess." He sauntered out of the room and I faintly heard the sound of a front door locking.

He was hot.

He was also an asshole.

But damn...

I shook those thoughts out of my head and marvelled at how irritated he seemed to be with me, like my presence had completely ruined his night.


I was used to his abuse so this event wasn't in any way shocking. However, what the fuck was I supposed to do now?

I need a place to stay... Idiot, that requires money. And that requires a job which you sure as hell don't have.


Speaking of jobs, what the hell kind of job requires for you to leave for work at... I glanced around the room, my eyes landed on a small, modern clock on the bedside table.

10:30 at night...

Seriously what did this guy do for a living?

I tried to get out of the bed but just ended up tumbling forward into the cold unforgiving grasp of the uncarpeted floor.

It hurt like a bitch...

Not only was every muscle in my body aching from the serious ass whooping I got at the hands of the resident winner of the "father of the year" award. But the floor was made out of something hard and tough...marble perhaps?

Something, that felt harder than floorboards even though they were both reasonably solid choices of flooring.

Who the fuck would want a floor made of this shit? Does he not want his home to ooze even an ounce of softness or comfort?

I stumbled to my feet, making sure to keep a hand on a wall or piece of furniture at all times as I stumbled to find my way to the kitchen.

Everything was white...

The cabinets were white, the bench tops were white, the tiles on the walls were white. White. White. White.

White and sparkling clean as if this were some kind of model house that no one actually lived in.

I call OCD...

But hey, who was I to judge? I had my own issues and clearly this guy had his.

I risked a peak inside one of the pristine cupboards to be met with two shelves literally filled to full capacity with tea.

Rows upon rows of small boxes. All the same size and all organized into there specific types of tea by alphabetical order.


I let out a low whistle and closed the portal to British heaven before opting for another cupboard directly next to it.

This one had normal food. The shelves were laden with cereals and canned foods.

All of it looked disgustingly healthy... Not an ounce of junk food...

This person's issues may be even bigger than mine....

I opened the glimmering (white) fridge and narrowed my eyes at its contents. Finally I managed to dig out what looked like leftover fried rice.

I shrugged and put it in the microwave which admittedly was not white. However that and the rest of the appliances were the only things that weren't. They were steel.

Cold, cold, cold. Just like the rest of the house and just like his eyes.

I shuddered at the thought of his piercing gaze. Ouch those eyes cut through me like a blade, the man's whole appearance was dangerous on its own even if he was a lovely person, when added to that cold personality of his, his entire being was lethal.

I shrugged it off and continued eating the fried rice in his dining room.

Outside of the kitchen not everything was white surprisingly. The walls and floors were white but the furniture and decorations were simple, modern and masculine colours. The lounge room featured two large, comfortable looking black, leather couches that I didn't hesitate to plop myself on.

After I had thoroughly cleaned up my dinner. I assumed it definitely would not be smart to let a single drop of filth fall onto the man's perfect existence.

I sighed and leaned my head back into the soft cushion.

Maybe I'll just rest my eyes for a little bit...    

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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