Real Mission

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As our journey continued towards the Kou Empire I was actually nervous to meet this new Magi, it is said that it's a young boy that was taken from his family in order to be that new Magi for Kou. But he was corrupted by the Black Rukh something that definitely without question goes against Solomons will. 

                                                        -On Sinbad's ship on the way to Kou-

" Hey Jasmine~," says Sinbad as he creeps behind me. 

" W-what is it now Sinbad?" I say in a surprised yet monotoned voice. 

" Tell me about yourself," he says as he sits down next to me on the deck of the ship. 

" Oh no, I don't do backstories, pretty boy..." I said. 

" You think I'm pretty huh? Pretty...what? Hot?" said Sinbad in a sly way. 

" Uh- what I never said such thing...>///<, " I said with a slight blush to my cheeks. 

" Haha I'm just teasing you but, if you don't want to open up that's fine too..." he said.

I try to change the subject quickly.

" So, the Kou Empire have you been there before?" I asked. 

" Not entirely, but it is the strongest empire up till now and might stay that way for a very long time with the way the world is working right now," he said.

" But something does intrigue me though..." 

" What is that?" I ask. 

" How come you also want to unite the world and bring peace, I mean as a Magi a master of creation I totally understand the whole gimmick of being in peace since it's like your job and all but why really?" he asks. 

[I can't say anything about Alma Thorran...this guy asks way too many questions] 

" I mean don't we all want peace due to everything that goes on in the world in general?" I say.

" Hehe I guess you're right," Sinbad says with a smile on his face. 

" Hey, Sinbad! We'll be arriving at the port city of the Kou Empire in about 3 days' time," says Ja'far.

" Wonderful! Could you please show our guest where she'll be staying," said Sinbad. 

" Oh no, I-"

" Unless you would like to sleep in my quarters then that could be arranged as well~," says Sinbad as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in too close for comfort. 

I push him away  [This guy better stop pulling stuff like this I swear >///<]

" I-I'm fine, Ja'far please show me the way," I say in a very mumbling tone. 

" Sorry about him..." says Ja'far. 

" This is where you'll be staying until we arrive at the Kou Empire. I hope its alright, you are a Magi after all." 

" It's perfect thank you," I said with a smile. 

" Uh, w-well you're welcome uh, well be having dinner soon so I'll be back to tell you that so-" he said with a really frazzled tone. 

I decide to take a quick nap in order to pass the time. 

* sometime later at night* 

*Knock Knock* 

" Hello, Jasmine? Dinner is ready-" asks Sinbad as he walks into the room. 

He stops as he sees that Jasmine fell asleep. 

He then sat beside her and just stared at her. 

[Sinbad POV: The more I look at her the more I want to know about her and...protect her...I don't know if it's because she's a Magi or...]

I start to wake up groggily and look to my right. 

I reach out my hand and touch Sinbads face. 

" Solomon I promise I-" I say in a really low whisper. 

"Huh?" says Sinbad with a slight blush. 

I then open my eyes wide in embarrassment. 

" GaH- S-Sinbad!" I said as I take my hand off his face and get up from the bed. 

" Did you just say my name while you were asleep?~" He says with a smirk on his face. 

" N-No I didn't you idiot!" I say as I walk out of the room with my staff. 

" Who does this guy even think he is hmph-" I said as I close the door behind me. 

Sinbad then touches his face where Jasmine touched it. 

" This girl really-" he says. *blush* 

                                                                                        \ During Dinner\

[Augh, I really hope he didn't hear that I said Solomon and asks who he is...that was so embarrassing ugh >///<]

" Wow! Everything looks so good!" Jasmine said

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" Wow! Everything looks so good!" Jasmine said. 

" Thank you! Jaf'ar and I helped on preparing dinner for today," said Rurumu. 

" Hey so are you, good friends, with the other Magis that you have encountered so far?" asked Hinahoho. 

" Yeah! At least I'd say so...I've known Lady Sheherezarde for a while now and I've been getting to know Yunan more since you know he just wanders all over the place but...I've never really gotten to know the Magi of the Kingdom of the Kou Empire," said Jasmine. 

" I do all Magis know when ones around or something like that?" asked Ja'far.

" Sort of it's more like the Rukh knows and since we see the Rukh, usually it culminates towards Magis more than it does to regular people since we use the Rukh to fuel our Magoi so then our Magoi doesn't deplete as much," Jasmine said. 

" Hey and how old are you?" asked Mystras.

" U-uh well-"


They all look to see that Mystras is knocked out under the table. 

" One never asks a woman her age...EVER," says Rurumu with a blatant stare. 

" GOT IT!" says all the guys. 

Everyone started eating and had a good three days getting to know each other better.  

                                                                                      /3 Days Later/

Morning approaches and so does the Kou Empire. 

" GUYS! GUYS! Everyone wake up!" said Hinahoho. 

" W-what is it?" Jasmine says as she steps out of her room groggy. 

" Were here," says Ja'far. 

" The Kou Empire," says Sinbad. 

[Just you wait Magi I'll see to it that you become a force of good for this world...if it's possible...the last bit that I remember is that this Magi has ties with AL Thamen]

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