Chapter I Skyler

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Hi! I'm Skyler and I'm 15 years old. My skin is a rich chestnut-brow. I have sea-green eyes, and shoulder length, curly brown hair. I tend to wear short-shorts and tank tops a lot. I'm in between being a tomboy and a girly-girl. I'm also one of four children, having three other brothers (all of us having different dads), meaning I do play sports and I can get down and dirty if I need too. However, I do like the glitz, the glamour, and making myself pretty. Like a stereotypical white girl, my favorite drink is the Vanilla Bean from Starbucks. Also, I really enjoy pizza, like the majority of people on this planet. Another thing you should know about me, I'm dsylexic. It's very hard for me to read in write, resulting in my poor behavior in school and my horrible, very bad grades. I can't control what I am, but people seem to think that. I'm constantly going tranferring from school to school due to my constant expulsion. One thing that you should know is that my closest friends are Brittany (The Head Cheerleader) and Reid (The Nerd). I know, weird friends for a tomboy, but hey, I guess opposites attract!!
I forgot to mention... I also have this one kid named Angel in my grade who I'm kinda friends with.. He always has a pair of crutches, no matter day it is, he has a very thick beard for someone in 10th grade, and he always wears a beanie, even indoors. The strange thing is, somehow he always has something wrong with his leg, once it heals POOF it's broken! No one has ever seen his legs either because he is always wearing pants, except this one kid that was sent to a mental institute soon after. I'm not trying to make something out of nothing, but it just seems fishy. He always follows me from school to school, which I just find weird. This means that Angel is either my guardian angel, or my stalker. I guess I should tell you what happened today. It might sound crazy at first, but you have to trust me. It all started after homecoming...
Since Reid didn't have a date, we decided to go together, as friends. I don't want you fangirls to start shipping us and stuff! Reid is average in all ways, except his intelligence. He is average height, average built, average cuteness (I love his blonde hair and blue eyes). Other than that, his intelligence is on point! Smart since he came out the womb! Okay, okay.. I might like him a little bit, but don't tell anyone! Also, he is deathly afraid of spiders!! But who isn't?! Anyways, back to homecoming.
After homecoming, Reid, Brittany, Angel, and I stayed back to clean up some, being a part of the clean up committee and all. I found it very strange that the cheerleaders came to help clean up because they are not very 'peppy' during school or just ever. I wasn't going to say that they couldn't help because the more the merrier. The popular girls, were picking up paper plates and cups! My mind equals blown!!

Once the gymnasium was all cleaned, I said bye to everyone and walked out. It seems I couldn't walk out because all the doors were locked!! I. Freaked. OUT!!!!! The cheerleaders just looked at me like 'What's wrong with her?' They probably thought I was mentally unstable. Then the unbelievable happened.

Brittany's eyes turned blood red, teeth viciously sharp, blood slowly dripping from her mouth.

"Children of Neptune and Minerva, prepare to die," She said.

At first I didn't realize what she was talking about. I forgot all about my Greek and Roman gods. But, I had no time to think about Brittany because the rest of the cheerleader were transforming just like Brittany.

The seven cheerleaders joined together to form a group of empousai. There was no possible way for me to defeat them all by myself, and Reid was just sitting in the corner crying like a baby. He helped so much lol! That means it was just me and Angel taking on seven vampire cheerleaders. I grabbed a knife that was on the table and threw it at the cheerleader Santana. Her and Brittany have been dating for a while. Santana has brown hair, Hazel eyes. Where Brittany has blonde hair, blue eyes. But, that's not the point. At first, I was relieved, I killed a monster that could've killed me. Then, I got really upset with my self. How could I just kill someone so easily and not feel grief? I heard Angel call me name after he finished knocking out the cheerleaders with his crutches. He pulled Reid and me in and said,

"I knew this was going to happen, we have to run and I have the perfect place to go."

We sprinted down the hallway, Angel moving surprisingly fast on his crutches. We got out the building and got a taxi. It was a normal four door taxi, window between the driver and passengers, ripped leather seats. I have never been in a taxi before so I was kind of excited. In my head I was thinking Where is he taking us?

The taxi dropped us off in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. A big hill, which we ran up, was to our left. Angel gave the driver some Greek looking coins, and when I got out I realized the taxi was black, and there was three drivers. The taxi drove off as we went up the hill. At the top of the hill, I was out of breath, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I look up and see this beautiful, white, Grecian archway. Reid and Angel are already passed the archway and are making their way down the hill. The Greek archway was about 20 feet tall, with Greek encryptions on top outlined in gold. The Greek was very foreign to me, I've never learned one single word in my life, yet I was able to read it, read it all. I was in so much shock that I fainted....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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