Chapter 6- Seducing the Fourth Hokage..?

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Minato Namikaze watched as the dark haired beauty in his home ate twenty bowls of ramen one after another in curiosity. She was definitely an Uchiha, and yet acted nothing like what he knew of the Uchiha.

She laughs out loud and smiles with abandon, and talks in a way most Uchiha would frown upon. It was incredibly contradictory and Minato found himself intrigued by it. She was like a nicer, calmer version of that red headed chick from school. He nearly shuddered at the comparison. Now that girl was a level of crazy he didn't want to be a part of.

Souma ate like she had manners, but the speed at which she did it was insane. Minato wondered how she wasn't choking.


He felt warmth on his face when the girl looked up at him through her eyelashes as she sucked up the noodles neatly. Somehow, she made it look incredibly perverted and Minato truly was at a loss for what to do about this part of her personality. He didn't know anyone who acted like this and couldn't think of any proper response to it at all.

Minato wasn't an idiot. He understood and saw more than he should and knew right away that Souma-chan held no interest for him but she still held his gaze for longer than what was appropriate as if she did. It was something in the way she spoke, as if she found his admiration cute.

So far he understood that the girl was a vixen. She was polite, but her eyes told a different story when she spoke with respect. Like she was laughing at a joke inside that no one else would ever know about. He wanted to know what she really acted like, and he had a feeling he was going to find out very soon with the sly smile she sent to him as she finished the last bowl of ramen.

"What do you know so far in fuinjutsu?" Souma asked him as she stacked her bowl with the others. Minato jumped at the sound of a poof of chakra and stared at the second Souma as she took off with the bowls into his kitchen.

That was a kage bunshin!

Minato looked at the bunshin in shock then found his eyes wandering to the way Souma walked with a sway to her hips. His thoughts left him as he zoned out.

Jiraiya-sensei was definately rubbing off on him. Minato forced his eyes away from the bunshin and looked at Souma blankly, who happened to be smiling like a fox. He stuttered out his response. "I.. uhh..huh?"

Souma giggled and Minato was struck with how pretty her voice was. It was deep and velvety and beautiful like a singers. He wondered briefly if she sang often, because he liked singing too and it would be pretty interesting if they had a lot in common.

"I asked what you knew of fuinjutsu" She repeated pleasantly. Minato blinked and realized she was having fun distracting him. She knew she was beautiful and she used that against him so often he almost wanted to laugh. A smile broke out on his face. Two could play at this game.

Minato gave her a curved smile and felt pleased when she looked dazed for a second. "I've learned about half of the basics for the language so far," Minato pulled out some of his personal fuinjutsu notebooks he kept in a seal on his wrist and placed them down on the table. "-and I dabble in the space-time branch. How about you?"

Souma had a huge smile on her face that took his breath away as she tucked her hair behind her ear. She pulled out her own notebooks from the same type of seal on her wrist and placed a dozen more books beside his. Minato grinned and found the next ten hours the best time of his life as they spoke about fuinjutsu and blatantly flirted with each other. He found he learned a lot about fuinjutsu, but learned more about seduction than anything else. 10 year old Minato Namikaze was transfixed by the vixen and his future was changed forever.

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