The Thinking Illusion

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Chapter 1

Apple White

Today was just like any other day, desolate of any events that could disrupt the peace that resonated among the citizens of Ever After. There was a warm breeze wallowing through Book End when I figured that a walk down to Hocus Latte could help me get off some things off of my mind. Spring Break was right around the corner, with only a few weeks away, and yet everyone was still buzzing around as if finals was coming. I didn't mind much, I mean--I too am busy studying for the upcoming Crownculus test next week.

I got my usual apple caramel mocha with sprinkled cinnamon and sat by my usual spot by the window with the view of Ever After High. Can I be honest? Alright then...

Things have been strange in Ever After High, well at least for me though. Briar hasn't been talking to me lately, and is always pushing back from hanging out. I guess we have diverted paths, I'm still with Blondie and Ashlynn though...I think, but that's a different story. I've spotted Briar hanging around Faybelle. I mean I am worried, but Briar just tells me to get off her back and let her enjoy the last few years of high-school.

The sound of tweeting birds rang as my purse began to vibrate. I sighed. I knew exactly why my phone was calling at that moment.

" Hey Apple...look I'm sorry--but I think I'll have to cancel--" Briar gasped for air on the other side of the phone. I winched. " I completely forgot--"

I sighed once again, but this time it was deeper: "It's alright, maybe I'll ask Ash--"

" Eh, I think she's busy too...she said that she was also busy? I think? Oh, and Blondie's busy with her MirrorCast."

" Oh...that's just...great."

I'm getting the impression that everyone's just trying to ignore me at this point. Should I bother? Maybe not.

" Hey Apple." I looked up and Raven was there smiling, brushing her ebony hair to the side.

" Hey..." I quickly looked down as Raven sat down on the chair across from me. There was a pregnant pause between the two of us before Raven spoke.

" Penny for your thoughts?" Raven gave a small, yet deep, chuckle.

" At this point they're free." I leaned my face against my balled fist.

" Oh my Grimm...this is new." Raven circled her fingers against the oak wood of the cafe table. I then told her some things about Briar, and yet she didn't seem shocked.

" You never knew that? Briar posted that on social media. I could tell that she was not okay man. Then again, who would when they're around Faybelle."

" I don't know why they're hanging around each other so much. I mean, is Faybelle that much more interesting than me?"

" I wouldn't worry if I were you, Briar can take care of herself." Raven replied. " Well, apart from that time she flung herself onto that chocolate fountain. I swear she was on something."

" Please don't say that!" I cried out in a threatening whisper. "Someone can hear you! I don't need another one of my friends having their reputation ruined before my eyes!"

" Are you talking about Ashlynn? Apple...we talked to you about this..." Raven's face went solemn.

" Come on Raven, we both know that--"

" Look...let's talk about something else alright. Just saying Ashlynn's name makes me feel a bit uncomfortable right now. It's pretty sad what's happening to her right now. And plus, doesn't it make you feel better that she can even talk to someone about this. I know he's not the person you would expect but--" Raven scratched her head. " he's good with this type of stuff, I promise. They really love each other too, you can see it in their eyes."

" She'll find someone else, just wait."

The silence came back once again and it is safe to say, for the least, that Raven and I weren't that close. Our relationship was difficult. Raven wouldn't say so but I would be obliged to agree. We would always have these...arguments. They weren't full blown ones, but they were just as controversial and I would always find myself at night wondering why someone like Raven would disagree with someone like me.

Maybe she was right though, maybe I shouldn't worry about Ashlynn. I mean, why should I be concerned with something, like a Rebel, that would burn itself out anyway?

Raven looked away from me, a bit disappointed while shaking her head. I guess that she was thinking that destiny had their own ways of giving a surprise.

" got some good news?" Raven shrugged to herself as she took a sip of the coffee she ordered after sitting down a few minutes ago. " I don't know how you'll react though..."

" Some light is good right now, even if it's not for me."

" Dexter asked me to hang out this Saturday. He said we'd go to the Multi-Hex theater and then go out to this ramen place near the Enchanted Forest Fountain, its new."

I figured I should just smile through this one: " That's nice."

Maybe these news weren't that bad, Dexter could turn out to be the next Good King. So it meant that Raven was, unconsciously, following her destiny. Things were turning out to be better than expected.

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