Yandere Symbiote Ch.1

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Yandere Symbiote

Ch.1: Fated Visitor

It was a dark and stormy night...hehe; I've never been too good with introductions. My name

is Vincent Crowe and I am your average university student. I'm a lot of things actually,

an artist, a gamer, a comedian, a nuisance, but first and foremost, I am a dreamer. My

greatest dream was to have super powers, to be able to do something that no one else could

and have people watch in awe. That kind of wish almost makes me believe that real life

sucks, but that's just useless thinking. Another concept I've been intrigued by was

Yanderes, a special concept within the Moe fandom. They were usually teenage girls, who

loved a particular character so much that they were willing to slaughter anyone and

everyone, just to keep said character all to herself. I understood the dangers completely,

but deep down; I secretly wished I had one. It had been another full day of homework, my

bones were aching and I wanted nothing more than to hit the sack. I was too tired to care

about anything else. Crawling under my sheets, I wished for something exciting to happen,

something to break the rut. As I was just about to drift off, it happened...

"I'm so lonely...", echoed a faint feminine voice inside of my head.

My eyes shot open after hearing that. My blood turned to ice as I began to question what

just happened. Was I just hearing things, or was something out there? After some

convoluted thinking, I decided to investigate. I grabbed a small flashlight that I keep on

my nightstand, and carefully stepped out of bed, my movements cautious so that I would not

wake up my parents. I began shining the light in various places that the voice could've come

from, such as under the bed, in the closet, and by the window. After a good couple minutes

of looking, I concluded that it was only my imagination and returned to bed. It must've

been at least ten minutes before I woke up again, as I began to stir, I felt a slight

pressure by my feet. I put my glasses back on and grabbed my flashlight to figure out what

was going on. But nothing could prepare me for what was before me. It looked like a small

mass of tar at the foot of my bed. The light from the flashlight revealed it to be a dark

blue color. And to add to my horror, it appeared to be alive, as it began to slowly

slither towards me. I backed up as much as I could until I hit the wall of my room, fear

and curiosity flooded my senses, and completely unable to speak, let alone scream in

terror. All of a sudden, I heard it again.

"Don't be afraid."

It was that same female voice that I had heard a few minutes ago. Was it coming from this...thing?

"W-what are you?", I said, finally working up enough nerve to speak.

"A...symbiote.", uttered the blue muck.

A symbiote? Like the ones I used to watch on those old Spiderman cartoons? It couldn't be,

those were just make-believe, and yet here it was, staring at me with its metaphorical


"Please...help me...I'm...dying."

Dying? Oh, that's right; symbiotes require a host in order to survive. I can't believe I

still remember that kind of stuff.


Without thinking, I stretched out my hand towards it, (I'm such a bleeding heart.) and

next thing I knew, "it" began clutching onto my fingers. It started to crawl across my

hand and up my arm, grafting itself to my skin by harmlessly latching tiny hooks into my

pores. It felt strange but I liked it; it was like I knew that it wasn't going to hurt me.

The symbiote began to cover more ground as it stretched itself across my stomach and

chest, my clothes felt like they were disintegrating at its touch. It felt like I was

wearing "nothing at all". (Sorry, but I just had too.) At long last, the transformation

was complete. The suit felt like velvet on my skin; it felt so good it was uncanny.

"You...saved me.", squeaked the grateful symbiote. "Thank you."

Suddenly, the new suit I was wearing become very constricting and the inside felt

extremely warm, it was as if the suit was hugging me.

"Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

"You're...welcome...", I strained, choking from the alien death hug. Finally, she

loosened her grip and let me catch my breath.

"So...", I said between coughs, "How do I look?"

"See for yourself.", the symbiote assured me.

I turned on my lamp and looked into the large mirror on the wall beside my bed. I was

astonished; it was just like the cartoons. From head to toe, I was covered in dark blue

organic material. My upper body was covered in white symbols; my shoulders had four claw

marks each that traveled down my back, and across my chest were 3 white outlines that

looked like suns drawn by a 6 year old that formed a scalene triangle. Looking at my

hands, I discovered that my fingers had transformed into thick claws. I took a long

thorough look at my face and studied its changes. The designs on my eyes were similar to

that of Venom's, my teeth were replaced with inch long fangs, and my human tongue was

replaced with that of a reptile.

"Cool.", I said to myself, now being able to see my own tongue directly in front of my

face. "This looks amazing."

"We look amazing.", the symbiote replied in glee. "Come on. Let's go have some fun."

I knew exactly what she meant, she wanted to go outside. I wasn't sure if I should, but

this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I just had to break this new look in. I

carefully opened the window and removed the screen, crawling onto my front lawn. After a

short walk, I was in front of a small building.

"Okay, this should be far enough. What should I do first?"

"Jump.", Answered the echoing voice.

"Jump?", I asked the suit, "Well, if you say so."

I bent my legs slightly as to only make a small jump, but I caught myself by surprise when

that "small jump" sent me 9 feet into the air.

"Whoa! That was...incredible." It was too amazing for words, an arsenal of unbelievable powers at

my disposal and I've barely scratched the surface. I prepared a larger jump, and launched

my high enough that I landed in the middle of the small building's roof. Next thing I

knew, I was leaping from building to building, cheering in ecstasy. After leaping to a

building on the edge of the block, I saw a telephone pole.

"Let's try something new.", I said, as inspiration struck. I leap off of the edge of the

building towards the pole, and after a quick 360 spin, I land perfectly balanced on the

telephone wire.

"Ha! Eat your heart out, Sly Cooper!", I shouted as I ran along the wire. As my joyride

continued, I began to remember the abilities that Spiderman had and decided to try them

out for myself, and to my delight, they were all possible. Wall-crawling, web swinging, it

was everything I thought it would be. I flew through the air from my latest web swing, and

after doing a quick "barrel roll", I land perfectly on the edge of a new building.

"Yeah! I love this thing!", I cheered to myself, oblivious to everything except the



The magic word had been spoken.

Female Symbiote x Male Symbiote HostWhere stories live. Discover now