Chapter 4: An eventful night

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Ripper and I were just swinging through the town as I tried to take my mind off of yesterday's events. The streets were full of men women and children alike coming in and out of shops and restaurants. One family in particular had just begun their return home from the opera house. They had only walked a few blocks away from the establishment when a mugger tricked them into an alleyway by pretending to be a stab victim. When the family were in the alleyway out of sight from the road the mugger pulled out a gun and held them up.

Mugger: Alright give your wallets and nobody gets hurt.

The man said in a heavy accent while aiming the gun at the father as the mother hid the son behind her leg.

Father: Okay sir, just please don't hurt my family, here I'll get the wallet.

The man said trying to remain calm and prevent his family being shot.

The mugger watched as the man slowly took out his wallet and threw it towards the guy.

However when the wallet was in the air something that resembled a blue tendril shot out from behind the mugger grabbing the wallet and pulling it into the darkness.

Ripper: Oh wow this is a nice wallet, no wonder the mugger wanted it

A voice commented in a joking manner as the mugger spun around and aimed his gun at where the wallet went. It was too dark however so the identity of who was there was a mystery. The father wanted to make a move but didn't want to risk getting shot in front of his family. Especially when an unknown person had just arrived and took his wallet.

Mugger: Who's there?!

The man shouted into the darkness creating a booming echo.

The mystery man didn't reply to the mugger but the sound of a dark chuckling came from the shadows.

Mugger: Answer me you prick!

Ripper: You really want to know you garage waste of a life?

The moments after the man spoke slowed down. A passing car with it's head lights on for a few seconds lit up the alleyway. The criminal was stuck through the heart with dread and fear itself welcomed itself into his mind.

The man who had taken the wallet from the mugger, the voice from the shadows. It was Vincent the real life "Spider-man"as people were calling the mysterious figure slowly crawling down the wall in a frightening manner.

Y/N: I'm the Geico lizard here to let you know you can save 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

He said in a devilishly evil manner, the mugger now terribly scared shot three shots into the man who was crawling down the wall.

Two missed completely, the third shot however would definitely have killed Vincent if Ripper didn't sprout a blue tentacle to completely stop the bullet.

Vincent: Hey I'm crawling here!

Vincent teased in a devious manner while doing a bad Boston impression. The mugger seeing his bullets wouldn't be useful turned around screaming about to run off.

Mugger: Oh dear god please no I don't want to die!

The father of the family had other thoughts on the manner. When the man was about to pass him the father grabbed the mugger by the neck and choke slammed the bastard.

Y/N: Oh thank you sir saved me having to chase that little bitch.

Vincent strolling over commented as the mugger rolled in pain on the ground while coughing constantly. The mother was still worried about this because of how this could effect her child. The young boy however seemed completely delighted with what was happening and how his Dad just helped the hero take down a bad guy.

Father: I shouldn't be thanked, you're the one who saved my family.

Vincent smiled and walked over to the mugger looking at the dad and replied with a kinder tone.

Vincent: No problem sir, just helping out my fellow man.

The mugger tried to recover and pointed a gun at the father but was quickly foiled by a blue tentacle from Ripper shot out and took the firearm away from the Boston man.

Mugger: Y-you bastards I'll kil-

Vincent then stopped leaning on the fathers shoulder and with his foot and a non lethal amount of force slammed the muggers head back down to the ground.

Vincent: And putting down a stray, you three should go.

Father and Mother: Agreed.

The couple quickly and quietly left with their son who waved at Vincent as they left.

Vincent: Nice guy hope I get to meet him again, well...not like this.

He said in reference to how they met just a few seconds ago then looked at the mugger who was slowly losing consciousness from the pain.

Ripper: The kid was adorable as well.

A deep feminine voice commented inside the mind of Vincent. He smiled at the progress his svmbiote had made in relation to how it sees innocents.

Vincent: Hey Ripper

Ripper: Yes Darling?

Vincent: *Sigh* About the question you asked me yesterday.......I accept you

Ripper was delighted and "hugged" Vincent. Vincent only felt the waist of his suit get tighter.

Ripper: I'm so happy darling

She said "jumping up" with joy

Vincent: I thought you might be. Well let's go home

Female Symbiote x Male Symbiote HostWhere stories live. Discover now