The past

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In a sudden flash of white, seven people appeared in a small, all-white, confined room. Inside the room was a row of cushioned says matching the number of residents that had been forced into the room. Placed a few feet away from the seats was a wide-screen television, currently turned off.

"What the hell?" Asked the young shinki, Yukine, looking around.

"Where are we?" Kazuma pondered, adjusting his glasses. Beside him, his master, Bishamon took a step towards the confused figure of the lesser God, Yato.

"Yato, what the hell is going on? Is this the Sorcerer's doing?" She growled threateningly, glaring at him.

Yato glared back at her, "Why do you think everything is my fault, dumb skank?"

Daikoku cut in, sighing in exasperation, "Because it usually is."

"Yatty can't help but attract trouble, don't blame him!" Kofuku giggled, clinging onto the arm of her regalia.

Hiyori then noticed something sitting on the chair at the end. She picked it up and held it out, her magenta tail lashing behind her, "Umm you guys...? I found a note."

"What does it say?" Kazuma asked, stepping towards her.

Before she could read it, in a dramatic flourish, Yato swiped the small note out of her hands and began reading it. "Good afternoon, viewers! You're probably all wondering why you're here. Well, to simplify it into an explanation everyone will like, you're going to learn about Yato's past with Father, also known as The Sorcerer. As a bonus, you will also learn about the Nora and another one of Yato's... past shinki..." He trailed off, dumbfounded and wide-eyed.

"What!?" Yukine yelped out, snatching the note out of the out-of-order God's slackened grip, "Give me that! I don't believe you." After reading it over, Yukine's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"Why your past?" Bishamon asked, snatching it away from Yukine, eyes tracing over the page.

Suddenly, the TV blared to life, showing the paused image of Hiyori leaning over Yato.

Hiyori gasped at the paused scene, blinking in puzzled wonder.

"Guess that's our cue to sit down," Daikoku muttered, ushering Kofuku over to the seats.

The others followed him and soon everyone was settled down, with Yato staking claim to the middle chair, with Hiyori to his right and Yukine on his left. Kazuma sat on the other side of Yukine with Bishamon taking the end seat. Kofuku was sitting on the other side of Hiyori, Daikoku taking the unfortunate other end-seat.

The television unpaused.

'If he knows about Yukine-kun's past life, why not tell him about it? And how will keeping it from Yukine-kun protect him?' Hiyori's thoughts rang through the silent room as the on-screen version of her leaned into the sleeping Yato's side, 'Why...'

"My past life...?" Yukine mumbled to himself.

It showed her falling, her hair and tail whipping up above her. As she floated down, she noticed a figure of a boy in a tattered kimono, kneeling in a small wooden house. 'Where...? This boy...'

The boy's face was seen, Hiyori immediately noticing his bright blue eyes. 'These eyes... Yato...?'

The people in the audience, sans the God in question, gasped.

"So we've gone back quite some time..." Kazuma muttered to himself, resting his hand contemplatively against his chin.

Child-Yato turned just as a deep voice called out, "Yaboku." Scattered in front of the child were dismembered earlobes.

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