Dead Emotions

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Springbonnie POV
It's just not fair! Why did the others have to kick him out like that!? What he did was a long time ago! And he already paid for his mistakes! I just wish they could see that clearly he's changed. He's out there, all alone. I shouldn't have left him, but Freddy came and dragged me back in the middle of the night. Like she's ever cared for me. I just want Springy to come back!😩 He's handsome, sexy, and clearly in need of companionship! Wait... did I just call him handsome and sexy? Oh god, I'm starting to sound like Mangle. Speaking of which, when puppet looked into his past, she ran out blushing madly afterwards. I feel so bad for Springy. I tried to keep him from leaving! He's clearly suffering! You know what!? I don't care what Freddy says! I'm going to see him right now!

Bonnie POV
I watched as Springbonnie stormed out of the closet. She's probably off to see Springtrap again. Freddy won't be happy. I don't know why, but I felt the urge to follow her and see wherever Springtrap went. Spring just said she had found him, but she never actually said where she found him. I put down my guitar and sneaked along as a she went to him.

Springtrap POV
I was sitting against the wall of the alley - my new home - when I heard heavy footsteps. Aaaannndddd... she's back. Great. I watched her approach me. She let out a cute giggle and greeted me. I grunted in response and looked back down at my feet. She immediately looked sorry as she sat down next to me. I don't know why she was sorry for someone like me. I try to escape my past, but it always seems to catch up to me. I was surprised when she suddenly lie her head on my shoulder. It felt.... comforting. I don't know how to explain it. If I had a working heart, it would definitely be racing right now. She sat there and closed her eyes. I don't know why, it was just some instinct, but I put my arm around her. She instantly looked shocked and looked up at me. I knew at that moment why I had that instinct. "Thank you." I said quietly. She just smiled and snuggled up to my chest. I saw a blush creep up her face. It was adorable. I don't know how, but in one night, she had a managed to break down all my defensive walls. I felt a strange way, something I hadn't felt in a very, VERY long time. I knew what the feeling was. Love. I was in love with this adorable little knock-off of me. She silently lie there. It was then that I noticed a bright blue blue flash by. I immediately recognized it. Bonnie. I gently nudged Spring off, and she looked at me, confused. "You were followed." I whispered to her. She instantly whipped around and ran towards the convention. Oh well. Until next time, I guess...

Springtrap x FNiA Harem 😏Where stories live. Discover now