You Don't Know Her

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You don't know her,

She's always hiding it in.

She may seem like she's cool,

But the truth is she's unhappy.

You don't know her,

She's putting on a show.

For everyone who knows her,

Of course, she won't let it show.

You don't know her,

She's hurting inside.

She's always the happy, cheerful one,

To not let anyone see inside.

You don't know her,

She's just trying to save everyone.

She doesn't want anyone to get hurt,

When she's gone like once.

You don't know her,

She cares too much.

Sad thing, she's not showing it,

So no one knows much.

You don't know her,

She's a good actress.

She lies, she smiles,

To keep everyone stressless.

You don't know her,

She's a little girl.

A caring too much one,

For that, she knows now,

She should've never opened to anyone.

She cries,

She's shy,

She tries to let things slip aside.

She's sensitive,

She doesn't think positive.

'Cause the bad ones,

Are always coming around.

People around her.

Are the ones who let it happened.

The ones who hurt her,

Those are the ones who let it enter.

But, she doesn't show,

So, who knows?

She's not the girl most of you see,

She may seem normal,

But, can't you see?

She's yelling for help, 

She's holding back her tears.

Sadly, no one seems to notice or hear.

Because it's not something a 911 call can do.

Not yet maybe,

But soon it'll do.

When she's finally too tired,

To do everything she's suppose to do. 


...I know this is a long one. It's probably the longest one...

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