Chapter 1: The Return

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Galaxy Steve's POV

It's been a while since we've seen Sabre and I miss him a lot. I wonder if he will ever come back.

Alex and I have gotten a lot closer in the months after he left, we have helped the Overseer and the other Steve's expand the village. It kinda looks more like a small town now.

Though by far the weirdest thing that happened was the return of Rainbow Steve, he just came back one day, I was there.

He came back almost right after Sabre left, I can't help but feel bad. He didn't get to see his best friend alive after all this time.

3rd Person POV Flashback 1 1/2 months ago~

Alex and Galaxy Steve were heading back to the village after collecting some building materials, more Steve's were coming around and they needed to build more homes.

"So, Alex, do you think they caught any more pufferfish while we were out!?" Galaxy exclaims excitedly to his friend.

"I don't know. You can ask when we get back." Alex replies, letting out a few chuckles at his enthusiasm.

"Oo Oo! What if they found a sandwich! I really want a sandwich, they are just so goo-" He suddenly gets cut off by lightning strikes.

Both Alex and Galaxy jump from the unexpected noise. Nearly dropping the materials they had collected. They turn to where it struck revealing a guy in all black clothing, he was obviously focusing his energy on something, but what?

Alex and Galaxy just hid behind a nearby tree and watched the weird person do... whatever he was doing.

The figure in black focused his eyes directly in front of him, not noticing the presence of the two behind the tree. He began to use what power he had to complete his prisoner's last request. The last straw. Then he would have him wrapped around his finger.

Bringing a Steve back from the spirit world is incredibly hard, but if you had been planning this day out for months on end, it would come easier.

A crazy amount lighting began to strike, soon enough it started going away, the figure looked up to see if it had worked—- it did, with that knowledge he took his leave.

Once the figure left Alex and Galaxy came out from behind the tree, the lighting was still occasionally striking so they made sure to keep their distance.

The lighting cleared leaving a Rainbow figure lying unconscious on the ground, "Rainbow Steve!?" Galaxy yelled, running over to the friend he had watched die. Alex close behind, she had heard of Rainbow from Galaxy and Sabre but never met him.

"Nyh." Rainbow groaned while sitting up, he hadn't yet opened his eyes to see the Galaxy colored Steve standing right in front of him.

"Rainbow? Is it really you?" Galaxy asked, there was no way this was Rainbow! He died! He was in the spirit realm! This had to be some clone or something.

Rainbow forced his eyes open to find Galaxy Steve and some other person looking at him wide-eyed.

'Wait didn't I die? Wasn't I in the spirit realm? Why do I feel like something bad happened? Who is that next to Galaxy? Where is Sabre?! Oh my gosh! Sabre! Something's wrong with Sabre! What is it though? I-I can't remember!' Rainbow's mind was swarming with unanswered questions.

"Rainbow? Rainbow Steve? Is it really you?" Galaxy asked again, taking a hesitant step forward.

"Yes, Galaxy it's me. Don't worry I'm just as confused as you. Now; there's something more important going on! Where's Sabre?" Rainbow noticed how Galaxy's and the other persons faces drop at the mention of Sabre's name. What happened?

"Sabre's gone." The person next to Galaxy answered, Alex and Galaxy were still upset about Sabre leaving but it was his choice and he deserved to live a life of his own.

"Wait what do you mean he's gone!? Also, who are you!? And how am I alive!? What ab-" Rainbow asked jumping off the ground and freaking out.

"No! No! Sabre just left to live his own life, he's okay. And I'm Alex."

'So Sabre just left? Is that what was wrong? I guess so. I shouldn't be worried then.' Rainbow thought to himself.

Rainbow just looked back and forth between the two figures in front of him. Galaxy was also abnormally quiet but Rainbow didn't question it, he'd been gone for awhile.

"We don't know how you are back, some weird person in black just left after you came back. So I think he has something to do with it, and I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I was too weak." Galaxy said looking down with guilt clear on his face.

"Now isn't the time for that! I'm back so no apology needed! It also wasn't your fault... so what did I miss?" Rainbow smiled.

Alex and Galaxy turn towards each other seemingly sharing the same thought, 'This will be a long story'

Flashback End~

I hope that wasn't too confusing, but uh yeah, the first chapter done!

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