Chapter 2

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As I woke up the next day, I hissed in pain as I remembered what happened yesterday: getting whipped with a belt. I got up and went to the full body mirror I had in my room and turned around so I could see the damage on my back and torso. Well, the lash marks have started to go purple around the edges and there are bruises all over my stomach and chest area.

Shit, it's Monday, time to get dressed for what I like to call hell, what normal people would call school. Vic is probably going to be there which means getting my ass kicked some more, I'm used to it even though I shouldn't be.

I went to the bathroom and checked my arms, wow, didn't realise I went that deep. Some cuts were way deeper than others but not that deep where they'll have to get stitches which I'm thankful for. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my bedroom so I could get dressed for school.

After I had gotten dressed, I cautiously made my way down stairs, hoping not to bump into my father. When I made it down to the last step I checked around the corner so I could see into the lounge area and saw him passed out on the couch, thankfully, grabbed my bag and school stuff and made my way out to go and walk to school.

When I got to school, I saw Vic and his 'posse' which consisted of him, Jaime, Mike, Tony, Craig, Beau and David. They're only one of the many groups who like to pick on me, but they ain't the worst. The worst would be the group that had Ronnie, Matty, Matt (a/n as in M Shadows, A7X rocks, back to story), Austin and Oli.

I used to be friends with everyone in both groups but once I came of the closet and told them I was gay, they all started to turn on me. Believe it or not, Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony and I used to be best friends and have known each other since pre school but they didn't turn out to be the best friends I could wish for considering they turned and started picking on me and beating me up...

So when I saw Vic and his group, I pulled up the good in my hoodie and tried to walk past them without them noticing me but to my misfortune Tony turned at that moment I was pulling the hood up and decided to speak up and greet me with the usual "hey faggot" which caught the attention of the others who turned around and started smirking at me. Vic and Jaime were about to step forward and do or say something when all their gazes flicked to behind me so I slowly turned around and saw Ronnie a.k.a. one of the biggest douches. As I turned I was met with a fist colliding with my jaw and I collapsed to the ground and looked up to see Jaime and everyone else laughing at me, but when my gaze shifted to Vic, he had this strange look in his eye... almost like he was apologetic or sympathetic for me. Why though?

As I regained my composure, I got up and turned to see Matt standing where Ronnie was, shit. You see, Matt is very buff for a 17 year old and has a lot of muscle on him which he could probably use that to knock someone out cold with one punch and possibly give them brain damage. I think I'm more scared of him than I am of most of the others. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a really strong punch connect to my stomach, multiple times, and I fell to the ground... again. Next thing, kicks are colliding with my back, right where the lashes are and I could feel my back starting to get damp with something, probably blood.

Matt finally finished his assault on me after what seemed like 100 punches and kicks to whatever part he could reach, just as the bell rung signalling us to get to our first class, which for me was math not that I really enjoyed it, but like seriously who would enjoy math?

Both groups had walked away by now and had left me on the ground bloody and bruised. I peeled myself from the floor and made my way toward the school's bathroom, cleaning any blood from my face and back, where I could reach, and thankfully I knew this was going to happen and packed a spare shirt for me to change into, which I did and made my way to class.

At last the bell rang telling us to go to our second class mine, of which was art with Mrs McDougall, one of my favourite teachers, but sadly in this class Oli and Tony were in there. So throughout the whole hour, I sat there earphones in and doing my work which today's lesson was just sketching anything that came to mind. I drew a stage which had the drum kit set up, a microphone in the middle and a bass guitar on a stand on one side of the stage and an electric on the other. At long last, the bell rang signalling us that it was lunch, so I headed to the cafeteria and didn't even bother heading to the lunch line to wait because what's the point if I don't eat. I started to think but that was cut short because I felt something wet being poured on me. I looked up and was met with the brown eyes that I've grown to somehow love, Vic, of course it was him, why am I surprised... I got up, picked my bag up and ran to the bathroom where I sat and cried for the remainder of the day. Finally the home bell signalled so I grabbed my bag and ran home so I wouldn't be late and get my father angry.

When I got home, I opened the door and took a peek inside only to see father passed out on the couch, thank god, I don't think I would have been able to go through another beating today. So I ran upstairs to my room and took my clothes off, leaving me in my boxers and went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.


A/N sorry it's shit... Kellic should happen in the next couple of chapters, I promise

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