chapter four

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In the morning, Janessa hurries back to her room to get ready for training. In her rush she forgot her sweatshirt she was wearing last night. Ugh! Violet already left and I have to be a nice person, so I have to go to Janessa's room and give her back her sweatshirt. As I'm walking to her room I pass by Shaun and Red's room, I stop to listen to see if the air conditioning is still broken. I don't hear any of the banging or creaking, but I do hear shouting.

"How could you do this?!"

"Listen, it's not that big of a deal, we're both adults and we can make our own decisions."

"Not a big deal?!!" voice one roars.

"You're being unreasonable. We'll discuss this when you're not being so childish," voice two says sharply.

"You're going to regret what you did. Mark my words."

I hurry past the room because it seems like voice one is about to storm out of the door. I arrive at Janessa and Brittany's room and knock.

Janessa doesn't open the door, but she says, "what do you want Jennifer?"

"You left your sweatshirt in my room, so here you go."
Janessa barely opens the door, snatches the sweatshirt from me, and closes the door quickly behind her.

"Don't forget training at nine!" I shout through the door.

"Yeah I got it Jennifer."

Once I get to the training room I quickly spot Violet.

"Hey Vi, are the other girls here yet?"

"No, you're the first one. But it's okay we can start getting ready without them." Violet and I get our bobsled ready while we wait for Janessa and Brittany but by 9:30 neither of them show.

"Should we call them?" I suggest.

"Sure," Violet agrees. I grab my phone and dial Janessa's number. She doesn't pick up. Maybe my phone isn't getting any service? Violet calls her and she answers on the first ring. Janessa has been acting so weird with me. I guess she's just really jealous of mine and Red's relationship.

"Hey Violet, what's up?" I hear Janessa say over the phone.

"Why aren't you here yet? What's going on?" Violet retorts.

"I have no idea! I've been looking for Brittany everywhere! I can't find her!"

"Jennifer and I will come help you look for her. Be there in a sec."

"Ugh, okay. Just hurry I'm starting to get worried." Violet and I pack up our bobsled and rush back to the Olympic Village. Janessa runs to meet us and keeps explaining how she can't find Brittany at all. The three of us continue to call her, and there is never an answer. I try to text Shaun, but he doesn't answer either. Much to my dismay I end up texting Red to see if he saw her this morning. He responds that he fell asleep in her room, but got up and left for training before she woke up. Finally, after half an hour of frantically searching the Olympic Village and asking every person we see if they've seen her, she calls Violet back.

She puts Brittany on speaker so we all hear her ask, "Violet what's wrong?"

"You didn't show up to training and didn't answer your phone. We got worried."

"Oh I'm fine. Are we still training?" By this time we have already missed our spot for the bobsled runway.

"No, not anymore. We have to go take the drug test now. Meet us in the lobby and we'll walk over there together."

Brittany saunters towards us like she didn't just waste our training time. The tension walking to the drug testing area is heavy. No one says anything. Once we get there, we're all separated into different rooms, they ask me questions relating to prescriptions and other drugs, and I they take my urine to test it for drugs. Walking back to the Village is possibly even more tense than it was before. Violet tells us all to go up to her and my room so we can talk.

"Okay we have to sort ourselves out. This whole Red thing is distracting us from our training. And Brittany where were you today?" Violet is fuming. She is taking this whole Olympics thing really seriously.

"There isn't a whole 'Red thing'. Red is mine and that's the story," I say to Violet. This comment causes Janessa and Brittany to start yelling at me, and I respond to them with more yelling, only making Violet more annoyed.

"Guys! Stop! We need to focus on our training. We need to medal!"

"Okay Violet, I agree. Red won't get in the way of our focus," Janessa says.

"It better not. And the last thing we need to talk about is Brittany," Violet says and we all turn towards her, "Where were you?!"

"Guys don't worry I was just–" she gets cut off by her phone ringing, "oh sorry I have to take this."

Already angered Violet snaps, "don't you dare leave this room until you tell us what happened."

Brittany answers the phone, still sitting in her same position, "Hello, it's Brittany."

"Hello Brittany, this is Margaret from the drug testing lab."

"Is there something wrong with my pee?"

"Umm, not exactly. I mean yes. Wait no. It's just that. It seems that–" Margaret stutters.

"Just tell me!" Brittany yells.

"Your urine has come back positive for a pregnancy test."

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