(5) Alot Of Bruises!

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You ran to Kindergarten, you were extra excited today since it was Friday! And that meant that tomorrow, Felix and Ted are going to come over! On Wednesday, you and Felix agreed! You turned the corner like a race car, almsot tripping, and ran to Felix and Ted. "H-Hey guys!" You were out of breath. Felix and Ted looked at you, worried. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Felix asked. You nodded in response and got back up. "Tomorrow, we're going to my house, right?" You said, gleaming with happiness. Felix and Ted nodded, also gleaming with happiness.

While in regular class, you fiddled with your fingers, occasionally licking crayons. When you were about to lick a "strawberry flavored" crayon, someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw, "PENNY?" You jumped out of you seat, which made you flip over the table. "Ouch, wait, P-Penny?! How are you, not dead?" You said, half worried and half happy. Penny laughed and smiled still. "My mommy fixed me!" She said. The principal, fixed a dead little girl? You slowly nodded. "Y-you can go now, Penny?" You said. Penny went out the door, waving at you. You there   under the table for a moment until you crawled out and stumbled back on your chair. You took the crayon and took a bite of it, tasting the same as all the other crayons, what a disappointment.

You walked to lunch, still thinking about Penny and her mom, "fixed her". Did she take Penny to the doctor? No, that injury is too serious to have had a bandaid slapped on. While you were thinking, you ran into a wall and fell. "Ouch, why did I do that?" You got up and saw Felix and Ted standing near you. "Are you okay?" Ted asked, helping you up. "Yea, I'm okay!" You sat with them. You were grateful you had amazing friends.

You looked at Penny, the green faint was still on the floor from when you... nevermind. Was Penny's blood supposed to be green? You picked up the fork from your spaghetti and stabbed your hand. "Ouch!" Felix and Ted looked at you concerned. "(Y/N), why did you stab yourself with a fork?" Felix asked. You looked at your hand. Nope, not green blood. "Penny's blood is green, but mine isn't." You pointed at your hand. Ted put a bandaid on your hand. "Penny is a bit...unusual." Ted said. You nodded slowly and looked back at Penny. She was just staring at her food, still smiling. Right when you got up to check on her, the bell rang.

When you were picking at the grass, eating some of them, Nugget came over and sat down in front of you. "Oh hey Nugget!" You looked up from the grass onto Nugget's dark brown eyes. "Nugget needs the Pretty (Y/N)'s help for the Nugget Cave." Nugget pointed towards the hole in the sandbox. "How?" You tilted your head. "Does Pretty (Y/N) have money?" You looked in your pocket. Extra 8$ from yesterday. "Uhm, yea?" You took it out and showed it to Nugget. Nugget nodded and took the money. "NUGGET SHALL GET MORE NUGGETS FOR THE NUGGET CAVE!" Nugget hopped the big gate, and ran to the nearby McDonalds. You nodded slowly and got up. You picked up some grass and licked it. Tasted like dirt, or grass.

While trying to reach for the yellow ball in the box, you tried to jump in the box. And well, you did get IN the box, but not as well. You got in the box, but sunk through the balls and all the balls squeezed out. You sat there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Until someone said, "What happened here?" That was Felix. His "accent" echoed through the gym. "Hey Felix! I'm down here!" You shouted at the bottom of the box. You saw a head peek out, blonde hair, ruby red eyes, yup. "Oh! I'll get you out!" Felix left, and the next thing you know, your headed straight for the ground. Felix had tipped the box over.  When the box hit the ground, you tumbled out the box. "Thanks Felix!" You hugged him, you saw red tints on his cheeks while you did. Then, you saw all the balls on the ground. "Oh yeah, I spilled the balls all over the place." You picked up the yellow ball you wanted in the first place. "I'll clean it up later." You rushed out and threw the ball at the wall, which backfired and hit your face. "Ouch," You got up and brushed yourself off. "My my, (Y/N) you're getting hurt an awful lot today." Felix said worryingly. You chuckled. "I'm fine, Felix." You threw the wall back at the wall, catching it this time. "It's actually pretty easy, if you just try hard enough." You threw the ball back at the wall. Unfortunately, you were looking at Felix trying to impress him while the ball headed straight for your face again. "Ouch," You said again. Felix took the ball. "Maybe try something else." He left the ball near the wall and leaved.

While you were putting your clothes back on, you heard a thud. "Uhm, hello?" You yelled in your stall. You heard a grunt while they tried to pick themselves up. After you finished putting on your tie, you came out of your stall. It was Ted. "O-oh, hey (Y/N)."  Ted sounded like he was embarrassed. "Hey Ted, what're you doing?" You looked up to where Ted was trying to climb. "There's something in there." Ted pointed at the vent. You climbed the counter and reached for the vent. You took it off easy peasy! You reached in there and felt something soft. You grabbed it and took it out. Apparently, you took it out too fast and began to fall. "CATCH ME TED!" You said on your way down. Ted grabbed you, and smiled. But your weight was too much for him and he fell back too. "Ouch," You heard Ted say. "Are you okay Ted?" You got up, with the thing still in your hands. "Yea, what was the thing in the vent?" Ted stood up and looked at the thing in your arms in awe. You looked at your arms and saw, "IT'S A KITTY!" You said, hugging the cat. It was a ginger cat with white paws. "You can have it." Ted said disappointed. "What, don't you want it?" You said. Ted nodded. "But my parents probably won't let me have it." Ted hugged himself. Then you hugged him. "It's okay, I'll bring him for visits." You rushed out the changing room and ran to your limbo. You jumped in your dad's arms and climbed in the back seat. You left the cat in the seat next to you and you drove off, waving at Ted and Felix.

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