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Physical Education is a definite no-no in Iris' book.

Running after lunch? She's going to vomit on you whether you like it or not. Almost breaking her finger playing basketball? She's going to sob her eyes out until you sit her out. Leaning over to touch her toes while standing in the middle row where everyone has a clear view of her ass? Iris won't move.

            Call her dramatic, but Iris thinks P.E is the definition of Hell. It's so stupid that she wants to find the creator of the class and curb stomp them until they can't speak.

Okay . . . a bit violent, but she meant it wholeheartedly. P.E sucked, plain and simple. You know what sucked more? Partnering up to run laps around the gym. And guess what Mrs. Lloyd had just ordered them to do? Partner up and run laps around the stupid gym.

Iris hadn't been quick enough, too caught up in her own mind to realize Bethany Walker had been trying to get her attention. Bethany wanted to partner up, but Iris knew that she would run as slow as she could in order to not ruin her makeup. She pretends to zone out.

It took Bethany around a minute and thirty-seven seconds to give up. [ Not that Iris was counting or anything. ] She twirls around, whacking Iris with her long, blonde hair. Iris was free. A little irked, but free nonetheless.

She scans the gym, locking eyes with various of her classmates. Spencer Gilpin narrowly avoids eye contact with her and Martha Kaply attempts to do the same. She guesses they were either socially awkward or intimidated by her. Moreso the former.

            Iris zeros in on Martha, sizing her up. Without a second thought, she struts her way up to the redhead. Martha seemed like the type to want a good grade. As did Spencer but she didn't feel like making awkward small talk today. She smiles a charming smile, "Got a partner?"

"Uh..." Martha coughs slightly, rubbing her hands together. "No, I'm not planning on running."

Iris continues to smile. "That's fine. Jog, then."

Martha shakes her head. "No, thank you. I think it's a bit . . . dumb. Why should I do something that isn't going to benefit me in any way?"

            Iris bites the inside of her cheek. She was making this difficult. She hated P.E more than anyone else in this class, that she knew, but even she had to admit that there were some benefits to the class. For example: better health.

            It seemed that Mrs Lloyd had overheard their conversation because the second Martha called P.E dumb, she was on her ass.

"Miss Kaply, I do believe you were present for the start of the year powerpoint on just how beneficial Physical Education can be." her eyes narrow. "You're a smart girl, think back."

            Martha wasn't going to back down. "Gym class is not gonna get me into Princeton and I don't understand the obsession with throwing a ball into a hoop and touchdown, five points!"

"Okay." she pauses, thinking carefully about how she responds. "There's a lot wrong with that, but first of all. It's physical activity, which is good for you. With other people, also good for you. And if you try it, you might even have some fun."

             "Fun. That's what we're doing here? Fun? This is school. We are supposed to be learning things that actually matter."

             "Okay, Martha..."

             "We don't have a lot of time in this life, and I personally don't wanna waste it on being, like, a . . . gym teacher." Martha stops, cringing back. She attempts to backtrack, stuttering out, "That . . . That came out wrong."

             "Yeah, it sure did. That's detention."

Mrs. Lloyd stalks past the two girls, focusing on Bethany who held her phone up in the air.

             Iris steps uncomfortably close to Martha, whispering. "Shit, Kaply, didn't think you had it in you."

             Martha shrugs, leaning back away from her. The redhead looks worried. Iris knew her as the type to always be on time, always stay within her comfort zone — Martha was not the type to get in trouble and Iris felt bad for her. Usually she wouldn't, but watching her classmate visibly pale she did.

"Oh, my God . . ." she breathes. She clutches her chest, hunching over slightly. "I've never had detention before. This is going to show up on my record, isn't it? I can't believe this, this can't —"

Iris grips onto the shorter girl's shoulder's, straightening her up. Her eyes widen slightly, not knowing what to do. She freezes for a moment. "Um . . . I, uh,"

You can spot the exact moment she begins to panic again.

"Martha, breathe! Calm down, you aren't going to die."

"Even worse, I'm not going to die, I'm going to detention!"

"You think detention trumps death?" Iris raises an eyebrow. Her priorities were all jumbled up if that was the case.

"Obviously!" Martha exclaims. "I can handle death, I can't handle anything ruining my record."

All sympathy Iris had previously felt for Martha was slowly dissipating. She rolls her eyes discreetly when she glances away from the redhead. She thinks for a moment, trying to figure out a way for Martha to stop shrieking. It was giving her a headache and Iris and headaches were not a good mix.

She blows out a breath, crossing her arms over her chest. "What if . . . What if I completed your detention for you."

Martha freezes. "What?"

"I said, what if I —"

"I know what you said," Martha interrupts her. Iris narrows her eyes, not liking being cut off. "Why would you do it for me? We're not even friends."

"I'm tired of your crying, can you please just accept so I can go run laps."

Martha immediately starts to nod. Quite furiously, if Iris were to describe. "Yes, please, please take my detention."

It's not like she had anything better to do. Besides, she'd never been to detention. She knew that those who had attended detention frequently [some football players/her friends] described it as a free period meaning she could watch a movie while she served time.

Iris sighs. "Yeah, okay." she begins to jog backwards, waving off the redhead. "I'll let you know what we'll do later today."

She considered this to be her one selfless deed of the day.


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