Chapter 6: Twawking

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I just know you guys missed them! Dammit, I miss them too :'(

Chapter 6: Twawking

3 weeks later

There would always be pros and cons to everything, including being an heir to a throne. You'd think that when an heir becomes 18, he or she would be able to make their own decisions. Such as deciding if he wanted to go out or not. Well, being a prince and having to attend every family gathering when you had other plans for the day can be be very... annoying.

Perhaps that explains why I showed up to lunch half an hour late.

"Vincent, it's nice of you to finally join us," my mother greeted in a sarcastic tone.

I frowned at her as I took my seat beside my father, near the end of the table. Unfortunately, that meant I had to sit across from my mother as well.

"Are you going to explain why you're so drastically late," my father inquired, giving me a hard stare.

I quickly glanced at his hands as he tightly held onto a fork, gradually changing his tanned knuckles to a pale white. I gazed back to his face, connecting my blue eyes with his identical ones.

"Honestly," I began carefully as I scanned the guests at the table. My cousin, aunt, and uncles were all present, but that didn't stop me from being truthful in my response. "I don't want to be here," I continued nonchalantly.

"Really? Well, unfortunately, you have no choice--"

Now that pissed me off.

"What," I questioned, furrowing my brows.

"Do not--"

"No! Do not decide whether or not I have a choice to be somewhere. I wanted to go out with some friends. But, me being the respectful man that I am, I listened to you and mother and brought my ass to this gathering," I said, rudely cutting him off.

My father's normally stoic face was now a beet red. The veins in his face were visible while the muscles along his jaw clenched periodically.

"Vincent," I heard my mother whisper harshly.

"Mother, not now, please," I said in a strained voice as I held my father's dark glare.

"Your Highness, I think it's time I escort you to your room," Gina's calm voice said from beside me.

"I think that would be most ideal. Thank you, Gina," my mother said. I could also feel her eyes boring into me. Hell, I could feel everyone watching me. But I didn't give a damn, I wanted to get my point across.

I accepted Gina's arm, allowing her to lead me out of the dining hall.

As we were halfway down the hall, I could see, in my peripheral vision, that Gina was shaking her head, as if she was disappointed.

"You really embarrassed your parents back there, Sire," she commented after realizing she was not going to get a response.

I shrugged, but avoided looking at her. I didn't want to talk to anyone, otherwise, I may just say something they're not going to like.

And realizing this, Gina sighed in defeat.



I'd been staring at the clock for the last ten minutes, and trust me, it has been the longest ten minutes of my life. I didn't even care that I hadn't been helping the others clean up, I just wanted to be done with the day.

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