The Beginning

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The day I realized I didn't know who I was I was 16. A spring chicken. I was just turning 16 not aware that my life will forever be a fucked up ass movie, something that will forever be burned in the back of my brain every day. Like the devil put the hottest branding iron on my brain and just left it on there to make sure it would damage me forever.

But my troubles began to start days after my birthday, That day was a cool ass Day to be real with you, I had just shown my bitches around the neighborhood my new James Charles makeup collection that I had gotten for my Birthday and shit I was just enjoying that calm Air.

But As I walked out of my front yard that day, I didn't think anything of the consequences that my choices would give me later in life and how stupid it was, and how being a real friend can go a long way. I sure as hell didn't know that what I was about to do I could never take back or even forget about it. I would be Scared.

As I was picking up some litter from out the front yard I see my 10+ year Bitch Alana. both me and Alana grew up in the same hood and were really family. Our moms were best friends too when they were coming up, they both got pregnant and when times got hard, they depended on each other with being so young, they didn't have anyone dependable like they were with each other. Alana's Mom dropped out of school early when she was pregnant with her, by her doing that my mom was able to go to school during the day while Alana's mom would work at night .so it was almost like Me and Alana were raised by both moms technically, One would have us one half of the day and the other would have us the reminder of the day, I and Alana were more like a sister are you ask me. When I saw Alana, she had her very private notebook with her for some reason. Even though we were best friends she would never let me see the things that she writes in there but I never let it bother me because my mom told me its good to respect people's privacy and I agree because not everything is meant to be put in the light somethings are meant to stay private people are entitled to private life. And Alana had a journal since we were nine so I'm used to it. Alana walks up to me and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is

" Heyy Bitchh, What's the mfn word, what we on today wit cho dry ass "

Now Alana knows I'm not a fan of the "Bitch" word, but she still says it anyway like that annoying sister that knows that something bothers you.

"Girl I thought I told yo ugly ass quit calling me a bitch that shit is so denigrating to women"

"Girl get out your bag it's just a word, Fuck you act like I'm calling you a black monkey slut"

"Girl Just shut the f*ck up cause I'm about ready to smack yo goofy ass," I said rolling my eyes

Alana always thought shit was a joke been like that all her life ever since we were kids, she always think something was funny one time when we were little we were outside playing by the swing set with the other kids in the neighborhood when Dree and his brother Talen came over to us. They were the DD GANG. I didn't like Dre He and his brother were about 10 when were about 8, and they were really like the bad kids of the neighborhood they gave no fucks. They would take the animals around the neighborhood kidnapped them and torture them and break into people's cars and houses just a lot for 10-year-olds. One time I think Alana told me that their mama didn't care about them much and that she was never home to even care. They were raising themselves.

But that day Talen and Dree had walked up tryna to talk Moffit Twins(Anisha and Abria) who were exchanging candy with us at the playground at the time and showed everybody this Shiny all gold Gun. I wasn't sure if it was real but the way it was moving it around and the fact that it was so shiny just threw me way off all I remember is yanking Alana's hand in my direction just hauling ass back to the crib, My mom had told me about guns and what they're used for so when I saw Dree's I just knew it was time to leave that area. When we finally get back to my house I'm breathing heavily with tears running down my face not knowing what's gonna happen next and I turn around and Alana is fucking laughing at me like I was an mfn joke like there wasn't a possibility that we could've died. She's a stupid bitch I swear. But After we told my mom what happened she said she was proud of us for doing the right thing and coming home and for some reason I had a feeling Alana wanted to stay at the park to see what would happen next you could just sense that Alana was excited by the thrill ...

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