Chapter 31

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In spite of all, I still surprisingly respected this man before me. I struggled and scrambled out from under the blanket in a failed attempt to bow to him. I was still to weak and my legs shook with strain before collapsing beneath me.

My mind was all huddled and my vision was dizzy, I nearly fainted then and there. Thank goodness I didn't get far so when I my knees buckled beneath me and fell back, I landed straight back on the bed. I felt frustrated and tried again, but my body had, had enough. I was not going to risk it further..

All the while nothing had been said since the prince arrived. The silence was suffocating but I was to nervous to break it. Although I had already accepted my fate, it was still nerve racking to be in his presence.

I remembered when I first met him. The night that I had snuck into the castle to steal the jewels. He was still just as breath taking as that day.

I reminisced my second time meeting him at the ball under the night sky where he accidentally gave me a slight idea of the weight of the responsibilities that he carries upon his shoulders and how we danced afterwards swaying softly to the gentle beat music but I unfortunately will never forget the angered yell of him ordering the guards to stop me once he realised what I had returned to him.

I also clearly remember when I was caught how angered he was which was clear behind the sternness of his voice but I guess what perhaps bothered me the most was how emotionless, stoic and cold he was on the day that he sentenced me to death. I shivered slightly at the memory.

"I am so sorry..."

It was me who spoke. It took a lot of guts and was barely audible but I knew that I needed to apologise although I knew that it would do nothing. I needed to get it off my chest.

I was not just apologising for everything but mainly the Commanders death. I felt like it was entirely my fault, I still believe that I could have saved him.

I was ashamed. I couldn't meet his beautiful brown eyes. My head hung low. I knew that an apology was probably not going to do anything to help me with my situation but I needed to get it off my chest. I felt like he deserved one from me.


It was stern yet unexpectant. I shivered slightly before snapping my gaze up to him. His eyes were narrowed ever so slightly and his fists were slightly clenched at his sides.

"I will not accept your apology."

I never expected him to accept it to begin with yet somehow it still faintly hurt. I tore my gaze away from his eyes redirecting it to the side.

"That's okay. I knew that you wouldn't..."

"I should be the one to... Apologise..."

My gaze snapped back to him in an instant. My eyes were widened in shock. He stood before me, shoulders ever so slightly yet uncharacteristically sagged foreword. For the first time ever he looked uncomfortable, tired and ashamed.

"Wh-" words got lodged in my throat.

"Don't say anything. Please." He did not really request it but rather commanded it. He let out a long sigh before speaking again.

"You not only stole from me, but the entire kingdom then had the audacity to not only embarrass me by leading me on amongst important officials only to trick me and then once caught blatantly speak out of bounds with lack of evidence against my uncle, although now I do believe you," he pinched the skin between his eyebrows before continuing, "You slipped through the guard at the prison and escaped my ordered sentence only to further break the law and join the army... But that is not the point right now."

He walked further towards me and stood right next to my makeshift bed.

"On behalf of your father, Gerard Black, and other righteous acts you have committed, I hereby pardon you for all the crimes that you committed."

My eyes widened in shock, relief and surprise.

"But you are to return immediately to your home tomorrow."

My blood ran cold. I have no home...

Not after that fire...

Recently I have been wanting to escape the army but now that I have been reminded, I can't seem fathom where I would have gone. I might have gone to one of the big villages and started my thieving ways there again, or I might have taken a ship and travelled to another kingdom. But one major thing is that don't have anything to return to.

No house, no family, no job, nothing...

I am just a low life thief and always will be.

"I have no home." I straight forwardly stated. Although I was slightly surprised when I heard the slight sadness tremble through my voice.

"My apologies and my condolences. The Baron and Baroness were good people... But you are still ordered to leave the army. If word gets out that a female has joined the ranks, I am afraid that I will be unable to prevent your execution even with my current standing in court. I will offer you someone to escort you to the nearest village, you leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow."

He turned to leave.

"Thank you kindly your highness." I bowed my head.

"Farewell Ms Black." He gave a slight nod and left.

Jessie stopped by later again with food but didn't stay long. I rested well that night and the next morning I was feeling much stronger and was up and ready to leave.

I had gathered all my things and headed out the tent. It was still dark out and the camp was mostly asleep aside for a few souls who patrolled. I had rebound my chest and was still dressed as a guy minus the amour to prevent suspicion.

When I arrived at the gates four strong steeds stood waiting. Three figures were present. One was already mounted and wore a long cloak pulled up over their heads. The other two were each holding two of the horses and were arguing with each other about something that seemed to revolve around the hooded figure.

"It is way to early in the morning for this. Would you two just shut up."

The two figures stopped arguing and turned to face me.

"It's not my fault Fatty here is being selfish and trying to hog Alice all to himself when clearly I'm the one best suited to hold Alice's horse for her while we waited for you!" Jessie complained.

"Oh shut up. Clearly I'm best suited!" Warren argued.

I looked up to the hooded figure on the horse. Indeed it was Alice. I was confused. Why was she here?

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