Rest in pace Mike

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I was sitting on the couch with Mike (my twin) watching tv. We are vey close siblings we did everything together. Now we were only 4 at the time. Let me tell you a little about Mike, well he is sweet, loving, he loved to sing and dance. One day I thought I would see him sing and dance on stage. Now back to the story. We were watching spongebob then our mom had asked Mike to come to the kitchen and Mike went to the kitchen. Then mom started yelling at him. She said things like your a loser, your fucked up, I can't deal with you, your not my son and just die. Those words hurt not just Mike but me. Yes Mike had cancer and yes he had down syndrome but he is a sweet kid and I loved him lots. Then I heard Mike screaming a bloody scream ams I got up and went to the kitchen. What I did not want see was happening. My mom was stabbing Mike in the chest a couple times then in the neck. I ran over to my mom crying very hard. W-why mommy. "He was just a mistake anyway" mom said. NO he was my brother and I loved him. The my mom walked out of the room and that was the last time I saw my brother, my twin, my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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