𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘯! 𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘴

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for Rocket_Queen97

alcohol/swearing/smut warning!smut!

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alcohol/swearing/smut warning!

"What if I don't want to go Tommy? I'm very aware of what you and your mates get up to." You spoke, pulling your dark hair up into a ponytail. You'd met Nikki once and had a brief conversation with Vince, Mick was the one you'd never even seen let alone talked to.
"C'mon Julia. This is my album party, it'd kind of suck if my own sister didn't come!" Tommy spoke, his voice high and pleading, the puppy dog eyes coming out to play. Staring at him, you sighed and gave in.
"Two hours. Then I'm gone." You bargained which he accepted gratefully.
"Best big sis ever! Okay, wear something fancy!" He chuckled and ran off before you could protest, his long legs taking him to his car and away from your small house, something Tommy didn't mind paying for up front. You rolled your eyes but smiled, you had a lot to give back to him, a party surely wouldn't be that bad.

The party was bad, really bad. To you anyway, wasn't your scene at all, cocaine and bottles scattered the room as musicians and women scattered the floor and walls, their thin limbs barley keeping them upright. You breathed in deeply and breathed out shakily. "Just two hours." You spoke to yourself whilst you wandered about trying to find your brother and his band.
"Hey it's the other Lee!" A blonde man shouted which you instantly recognised at Vince, coming over to you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, he dragged you to the other three. Vince's breath smelled of beer and cigarettes, not attractive in the slightest as a small smile played at your lips.
Tommy stared at Vince, "Hands off man." You chuckled and pulled yourself away from the man.
"I can look after myself Tom."

Looking at the other two men, Nikki smiled and waved slightly whilst the other prepared to introduce himself.
"Mick right?" You started, walking towards him and holding at your hand. "Julia."
"Yeah Mick Mars, its nice to finally meet you. Tommy's always going on about how good of a sister you are." He smiled slightly, Julia knew that he was an odd ball, Tommy had spoken about him before but at this point, he seemed pretty normal.
"Don't tell her that man, it'll go straight to her head." Tommy joked, making you stare him flatly.
Picking up a shot off the table and slamming it down your throat, you spoke again, "Let's get drunk then yeah?"

You were plastered, severely plastered. You danced randomly with Mick laughing at how you were moving but he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You didn't care and he loved that.
"Julia, c'mon, lets sit." He reasoned as his hip began to play up slightly, thankfully you agreed, following him to the sofa, your legs rested over his thighs, lying down on the seat.
"You're fun Mick. I'm kind of mad that we didn't meet earlier." You said, resting up on your elbows, your dark brown hair now out of its ponytail and resting on your shoulders, some messily covering your face.
"Me too." He replied sweetly, moving some hair from in front of your eyes, you weren't conventionally attractive, your lips small and your brows bushy but he liked that. You looked ethereal to him. Your pixieish nose completing your whole look.
"How old are you Julia?"
"32." You smiled, you'd normally hide your age, you were lucky enough to look about 25 if you really tried but you felt safe around Mick.

"We've been here for like 5 hours, wanna go somewhere else?" Mick stated, he wasn't necessarily looking for anything, he just wanted to be with her alone, whether they end up at one of their places or not, it wasn't really on his agenda although he wouldn't say no.
"Yeah sure, my house is only 10 minutes away." You smirked and pulled him up with you, your hand in his, you left the party but not before Tommy saw the two of you vaguely from where he was standing. He was very intoxicated but he could still recognise his sister from a mile off, he knew that she was with Mick. He just knew it.
Walking down the street, you began to sober up as the cold breeze hit your bare shoulders, you didn't really listen to Tommy's plea for fancy clothes but you had worn heels so he couldn't really complain.
"Just round this corner." You smiled and linked arms with Mick, the contact was nice and he was warm.

Getting into the house, you sighed and slipped the heels off your sore feet and walked through towards the kitchen, offering Mick something to drink, which he took appreciatively, gulping down the water.
"Dry mouth is a bitch." He joked, you agreed and drank your water but slower.
You're not entirely sure how it happened but you ended up in your bedroom together, he wanted to see the house but you jumped at the chance at him seeing your bedroom.
"You have a nice place here, Julia." Mick spoke, his jacket now discarded downstairs, leaving him in a tight shirt and black jeans, his boots at the end of the stairs.
"Thank you. Tommy is the one to thank for it though, he paid for it. Bless him. I'm glad I went tonight, I wasn't going to." You revealed walking closer to the older man.
"Really? Why?"
"Parties aren't really my thing."
"What is your thing?" Mick smirked and closed the gap between you so your chest were against each other's.
"Meeting people at those parties that I can't seem to figure out." You whispered as your lips pressed against his, your hands crossed behind his head as he exhaled slowly.

His hands travelled to your hips as he played with the hem of your shirt, his thumbs kneading your tanned skin. Flicking your tongue against his lip, he let you explore him and his mouth as your tongues melded together perfectly. Smiling into the kiss, your hands glided down to pull his shirt off his body which he complied to, his large chest on show.
Pushing you towards the bed, he kicked your leg out from beneath you making you giggle as you fell, Mick catching himself with his arms and smirking at you lovingly before diving in to kiss your lips again. His lips rested on yours before quickly moving towards your neck, his teeth nipped at your skin as you sighed in pleasure, his hands coming up to practically rip your top off, his large hands covering her breasts as he squeezed them, pulling one out of the bra cup and attaching his lips to it, sucking roughly. Flicking his tongue over your nipple, you moaned loudly and pulled on his black hair, Mick grunted in reply and pulled his jeans off as you did the same.
"Condom?" He asked hastily as you ransacked your side drawer, finding one quickly as he ripped it open and rolled in onto his length.
"So gorgeous." Mick spoke quietly as he pushed into you, a smirk played at your lips as you pulled him closer to you. Rocking his hips back and forth, the speed began to rise and you wrapped your legs around him and pushed him in further with your feet against his ass.
Pounding into you, his face was in the crook of your neck as his lips messily kissed your neck. Your nails scratched down his back as you clenched around him, you were so close and he knew it.
"Cum for me Julia, cum 'round my cock." He demanded as you felt the overwhelming feeling wash over you. Your pussy went crazy around his dick as you felt his warm cum fill the condom.
"I'm glad you came to the party as well." Mick chuckled as you covered your face, giggling.

The next morning, you two awoke with a loud thump, you had found yourself wound around Mick as your legs intertwined. A loud banging on your front door stirred them as you both left the bed and the room, you wrapped in a big jumper as Mick had simply pulled his jeans back up. Following slowly behind you, he rested against the hallway wall as the door opened revealing Tommy. Your eyes widened considerably as Tommy's drifted behind you.
"I knew it! What the fuck man!?" He stormed in, towards Mick who stood his ground.
"What's up Tommy?" He smirked, already aware of the issue.
"You fucked my sister! That's what's up!"
"She's so much more then just your sister. She's a grown ass woman." Mick replied, keeping a straight face.
"Tommy, just calm down." You tried to help but he simply turned to look at you with a death stare.
"Man, you're a good guy, I didn't think you'd do this." Tommy tried to calm himself but couldn't get the thought out of his head.
"Julia isn't a one time thing." Mick stated making Tommy and yourself focus on him. "I wouldn't do that to you and more importantly to her."
Tommy huffed but let his guard down.
"Hurt her and you'll have more of an issue then just a stubborn hip, got it?" He threatened but Mick knew it was empty, he also knew that he wouldn't hurt you. You were one of a kind.

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