chapter one

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"Girls! Girls! We just won!! We're going to the OLYMPICS!!!!!!!" That's what Janessa said three months ago, now we're Pyeong Chang. We traveled all the way from New Jersey to be here with the US Olympic team.

As we stand outside waiting for the bus taking us from the airport to the Olympic Village, my eyes track a snowflake falling from the sky as it lands on the most handsome strawberry blonde hair. I walk over to introduce myself to the boy I am now infatuated with.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer," I say to the boy. He seems young for an Olympian, but then again I'm one of the youngest here as I am only sixteen.

"Hey Jennifer, I'm Red," he responds. Red! Of course he has the most beautiful name!

"Is this your first time at the Olympics?" I question.

"Yes, my first time out of the country actually." We share a laugh after he says that. But he continues, "I think my principal almost had a heart-attack when I told her that I'd miss a month of school."

"Mine too! He didn't believe that I was actually going to the Olympics. He kept saying that no one in New Jersey goes to the Olympics and especially not for bobsledding."

"Wow bobsledding. I've never met a bobsledder."

"You have now haha. What are you here for?"

"Slopestyle snowboarding."

Red is perfect for me. He has the most gorgeous hair, I mean blonde guys hit different, his eyes are so dreamy, his name is perfect, he's still in high school so he isn't a million years older than me, and he snowboards!

While Red and I carry on with our conversation I can see Janessa, one of my three other bobsledding team mates, out of the corner of my eye, and she looks very displeased. I can see her looking dreamily at Red's beautiful face, but turning to stare daggers at me. No way!! She has a thing for Red! I will not let her steal my man from me! Just as I'm thinking of what I'm going to say to Janessa, I can see Brittany, yet another one of my bobsledding team mates, gazing at Red and glaring at me. Brittany likes Red too! I will not let either of them take them away from me. I laugh loudly at something Red says so the girls will know that he's mine and that they need to back off.

"Oh Red, you're so funny! How can your girlfriend handle how funny you are?" I am the master of romance. He won't even expect that I'm only saying this to find out if he has a girlfriend. Even though he is really funny.

"Actually I don't have a girlfriend. I just haven't found the right girl yet."

"I totally get what you mean, that's exactly why I don't have a boyfriend."

After Red and I talk for a while more, the bus arrives. Even though he sits next to Shaun White on the bus and I sit next to Violet (my final bobsled team mate), I already know Red and I are a perfect match for each other, and I won't let anyone get in the way of that.

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