Pouring Rain, Stig

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Imagine Stig keeping you warn in a storm.


As Heron sailed out the the harbor at Castle Dun Kilty I pulled my collar up even tighter to keep the relentless rain off my neck. I went about doing chores on the Heron as the other crew worked keeping her surging toward Scandia. Even while keeping busy I began to feel the effects of the harsh rain. Even though beneath my coat was as dry as could be in the raging storm, I felt stiff and cold, and my body heat seemed to always be pulled away by the rain and wind.

As the clouds began to darken with oncoming night I made sure there was no other small thing I could do before finding a thick blanket to keep me warm for the night. I saw Stig standing up on the steering platform with Hal. They seemed deep in conversation about something. I could only assume it was over a roster so everyone could sleep tonight. Hal shook his head and Stig walked toward the tent after a brief pause. Stig made eye contact with me as he walked toward the canvas shelter.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked, a hint of worry just showing through.

"Yeah." I said. "Little cold, little stiff, just as everyone is."

"Comeon, lets get some sleep while we can." I followed under the canvas where Stefan and Edvin were trying to sleep before they would be needed again. I sat with my back to the side of the Heron, in the most dry spot that wasn't already taken, and wrapped my jacket around myself as tightly as I could. Stig pulled his watch cap off and ruffled his damp hair before pulling it on again.

"Your gonna freeze." He said sitting down next to me. I sent him a glare and he jerked his head, asking me to move closer to him. I was freezing so I put my legs over his and scooted toward him.

He obviously was not satisfied and took me by the waist and pulled me up on his lap. He watched me the whole time, making sure I was ok. He took my cold hands in his rough ones and tucked them between his coat and his chest. Them he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my into him. It only took a moment before I felt warmer. I closed my eyes and allowed my stiff body to relax. I felt Stig take a deep breath in and hum as he let it out. The warmth and the deep hum of his voice was enough to have me asleep in a second.

I woke up as I felt Stig shift. My eyes fluttered open and I realized it must be just before sunrise. The very first grey light was beginning to brighten the deep storm clouds. I pushed myself off his warm chest and looked up to meet his ever watchful gaze.

"Sleep ok?" He questioned with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Mhmm." I nodded. He took my hands in his and began to rub them. He sped up so the friction generated heat and made the blood flow back into my finger tips. When he was done he brought my hands to his lips and gently kissed them.

"I have things I have to take care of." He said.

"Right." I said moving hastily off him. He stood up from under the canvas sheet and sent a longing smile back in my direction before pulling up his collar to the raging storm and making his way to the steering platform. 


Happy 2020! Sorry this one is based on an idea I already posted but I wanted to rewrite it with Stig, maybe with a few more Herons if I think of something. Have any of you seen Rise of Skywalker? I'm still so upset about that ending. 

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