Chapter 12- Love Birds In Uni

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It was 7.00 in the morning. My alarm rang and i was awake.I layed on my bed and started thinking about life.... Everybody say that a person should get married... Is it necessary? I don't wanna leave everything and get stuck in a jail... yeah wedding is like a jail.... But.....Who will marry me? I don't beleive in it and i behave so childish and.....i don't know... if i will find somebody who is exactly like me,I'll definitely marry him... But i know, he is not existed.... I opened my facebook and scrolled down when i saw a pic which said "God Has Already Decided Who Is Our Life Partner And Everybody Has A Life Partner... We Just Have To Find Him." Oufff...what does that mean...ahhh anyway i dont think that i will have a life partner in my life.

I woke up and took a bath and woke up Aisha and Sarah. Then, we all had breakfast together. I was not in the mood to go to Uni as I was tired.But what to do,I've to go.

We got ready and took a bus for the Uni


Today,i woke up early and i don't know y....I layed on my bed and started thinking about what hussain said.... he always tell me that 'somebody is made for u'....but i don't believe in it....Anyway who will accept me..... i dont think that she exist.....

I got out of bed and went in Hussain's room and we both went to have breakfast. My mom was getting Maha ready for school.I did not want to go to the Uni today but i have no choice.

After breakfast,I took a bath and hussain also. Afterwards,we went to the uni.


Somebody hugged me from the back and shouted

It was Atif.

"You are alone,where's Sarah?" I asked

"hhmm....there she is! Now she is coming." He said while pointing at her

"Sarah,How r u... Had a good sleep?" Atif asked

"Yeah,after u have came in my life, i always have a good sleep" she replied

Both of them look so nice together.... seems like they r made for each other

Soon, it was time for the class

Mrs.Sharpay....Ouff I hate her class.... and when she start to give lecture about life,assume that half of the period will be in waste

We entered the class and Mrs.Sharpay entered

"We r so good nah... We helped Hussain and Waqas to find their life partner" I said to Aliyah

"Yeah, we r....And Am so glad that we did that " aliyah replied

"Do u believe in Love?" I asked

"No, but since this morning, I was thinking that do we have to get marry...i mean i don't wanna to" she replied

"hey, me too i was thinking of that... yeah i dont know... people say that everybody has a life partner....And Am 100% sure mine is not even born yet," i told her

"yeah,mine does not even exist," she replied while laughing

Atif-Sarah Hussain-Aisha Waqas-Shahana are talking in a romantic way, and r holding hands and the boys were playing with their hair etc....

God,at that moment Mrs.Sharpay entered the class and saw them

"What's going on in my class!!!" She exclaimed and all the books in her hand fell.

Aliyah and me started laughing

"why r u guys laughing.Shut up!" she said to me and Aliyah

"yes,u guys, what is happening over here... is this a class or lovers point ?" She said angrily

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