Saying goodbye

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Mj sat on the floor with her father in her arms, streams of tear escaping her eyes & falling to the floor of the apartment.

Peter started to pace around the room, hoping that the ambulance would arrive & secure Mj's father.

But his wish didnt come true, it was a few more minutes before the ambulance arrived & took her father in. Mj rode with the ambulance, while Peter ran home to May & they drove to the hospital.

Peter ran into the hospital, passing the check in desk, while May talked to the receptionist & clear up Peter running throw the hospital.

Peter finally found Mj outside of a surgery room gazing at the horror that was inside. Peter ran up next to her & stood at her side.

He heard her worries through her silent sobs.

Peter felt nothing but worry & helplessness, so in desperation he grabbed MJ's hand in his own.

She leaned on him for comfort. Soon his shirt started to soaken by her tears falling.

They stood there for hours, surgeons towering over her father, trying their best to save his life.

But soon one surgeon took off his mask, removed his gloves, & started walking to Mj & Peter. All the other surgeons in the room disbursed from the room.

MJ felt her heart sink every step the doctor took, closer & closer he walked.

Peter felt her hand shake, her heart beat rapidly increase, & heard the nervousness in her breathing.

The doctor come from the door & stood infront of Mj & Peter.

"I'm so sorry", He muttered before wiping his face. "There was no fixing what that thing did to him".

Mj's knees buckled, but Peter caught her before she fell. She covered her mouth in agony & clenched her eyes shut, hoping it was a bad dream & that she would wake up.

But she didnt, Peter helped her stand up, instead of him just holding her on his side.

She eventually found her balance, Peter wrapped his arms around her, she returned it & cried into his shoulder.

Mj's mother & May ran up to them, they broke their hug when Mj's mother cleared her throat. Peter stood far from Mj, his arms behind his back, & head down.

MJ's mother hugged Mj & surprisingly Mj hugged her back.

"The doctor just told us, I'm so sorry honey", Mrs. Jones said. Mj just slightly sobbed into her mother's shirt.

"I'm so sorry Mj, I didnt think he would come back", Peter said. Mrs. Jones eyes shot open.

"What do you mean, come back", Mrs. Jones asked calmly. They all fell silent. "What does he mean Michelle"?!

"It attacked Peter's house, this morning", Mj admitted. Her mother was very intimidating.

"We're leaving", Mrs. Jones said, that's it. She grabbed Mj by the wrist & started walking back to the main entrance. Peter wanted to follow.

He watched as Mj & her mother walked out of the hospital, soon Peter & May went back to there apartment.

"I'm gonna be in my room", Peter said.

"I'll come get you when breakfast gets here", May pulled out her phone & pulled out a restaurant's number.

Peter went to his room & grabbed his phone, a few texts from Ned saying, "Dude! Your house is on the news".

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