The Real Monster/El Verdadero Monstruo

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Mary: "I can tell him to get the leader."

Rob: "Marylin, out of all the dumb things I've let you do, this is by far the dumbest."

General Blankenship: "Espere are you really considerando this?"

Rob: "No I'm not considerando it, it's going to happen."

Mary: "You won't regret this dad. No te arrepentirás de este general."

Rob: "I better not."

Mary: I walk over to the giant Wolf, it notices me and attempts to picks me up. "Hey, none of that now." He pulls his hand back. "Listen, you need, to kill, the leader!" Then, the most amazing thing happened, it spoke, and I think it was a name."

Monster: "Lank-ton!"

Rob: Did that thing just say Lankton, was that the leader's name?

General Blankenship: ¿Esa cosa solo decía Lankton, era ese el nombre del líder? "Espere, I know a Lankton, we were partners in Clase de ciencias."

Rob: "Well, what do you know about him." But before he could tell us anything a bullet entered his brain.

Dr Peter Lankton: I sit on higher ground with my sniper. "Adiós Blankenship." *Bang*

Rob: That was no doubt that was Lankton.

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