Chapter 1: A Mere Beggining

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Jesse woke up to another beautiful Saturday morning, the sun shining down through her silk curtains, streaming her room with its rays, the birds were singing and with it being the beginning of September the perfect temperature. Well almost beautiful, her mom and dad were at it again, screaming and yelling at each other. Yawning, she stretched, soaking up all the sunlight she could get, then slowly started getting out of bed, nearly tripping on her dog Cooper. Eventually Jesse slowly started walking to the washroom, and looked in the mirror. After seeing her monstrous looking face in the mirror, she splashed icy water on to it to bring her to full consciousness. With a towel she dabbed her face, through her long, wavy, blond hair in a messy bun and headed downstairs with Cooper trailing behind.

Jessie's parents must of heard her coming, cause as soon as she was about to turn the corner and enter the kitchen they stopped arguing. They never fought in front of her or her brother, so in a way she was glad that she was there to stop the fighting.

"Morning Jesse, want me to put some pancakes on a plate for you?" Asked her mother.

"No it's okay. I'm not hungry. I'll eat in a bit." Jessie replied while walking into the family room and turning on the television, and switching the channel to Criminal Minds .

"If there's any left after Max comes down!" Joked her father

Shouting from his bedroom Max replied "Haha very funny dad. I'm not a pig!"

Max was Jessie's twin brother. They were like two peas in a pod. Ever since junior kindergarten, when Jessie was too shy to talk to the other kids, let alone the teacher Max would talk for her. From that point on Max had always been their for his sister, with Jessie always being there for her brother. They were not like other siblings, sure they would disagree but they would never fight. They trusted each other and appreciated each other's opinions.

When Jessie's show came to an end, her stomach let out a loud growl sound, indicating to her that she almost forgot to eat breakfast. She turned off the television and walked over to the kitchen seeing the plate of pancakes on the counter still steaming hot. Pancakes were Jessie's favourite food that her mom cooked, so she quickly grabbed a plate and placed 3 of them on, drizzling a huge amount of maple syrup on top.

As soon as she had finished eating and had put her dish in the dish washer, Jessie heard her brother calling her name.

"What do you want?!" She yelled back.

Although there was no answer back, so she ignored her brothers call. Not even a minute later Max called Jessie again. This time she decided she was going to walk up and see what her brother wanted.

Opening Max's bedroom door she asked "What do you want Max? Couldn't you have came down stairs and asked me?"

"What's 2+2?" Max replied stupidly

"Really? Are you that dumb? I thought a twelfth grader should know the answer to that question."

"Okay that's not my real question. I was actually meaning to ask you if you"

Then there was a long pause between the two.

"Cat got your tongue Max?"

"Um... No I just uh..."


What could be so bad, that Max was having a hard time to ask, it's not like I'm a stranger, Jessie thought to her self.

"Do you think you could pick me up from Party at Nicole's house tonight?" Max finally asked.

"Oh... Yeah sure Max I'll pick you up"

Now Jessie under stood why it was so hard for Max to finally say what was on his mind. Nicole was the girl that every one liked. Even the ninth graders loved her, everyone except Jessie that is. Those two hated each other since the moment they met in forth grade. Jessie had never did anything to be on her bad side, although Nicole would throw things at her, and make fun of her all through elementary school. That hatred obviously extended throughout high school also.

"You don't have to pick me up if you don't want too Jessie. I could ask one of my friends. It's just that it's the last party before school starts, and I know Nicole wouldn't invite you, and well we will be drinking so..."

"No need to explain Max, I understand. You know I'll always be there for you no matter what, right?"

"Yes, thanks Jessie! Your the best sister anyone could ask for!"

And with that Jessie went into her room, and started texting her best friend Alison.

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