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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"Why is it always you four." A witch dressed in emerald robes greeted them as they walked into the school. "And I see you've made a friend, who happens to be exactly who I was waiting for."

"Nancy, this is Professor McGonagall." Remus introduced, stepping forward, his prefect badge glinting in the light. "We got off the train rather late, I'm afraid."

It was this sort of attitude which always convinced the teachers that whatever trouble the group of four got into, Remus was innocent. But McGonagall knew better, and she narrowed her eyes. "Is that so.." She said, the Lupin nodded enthusiastically. "I don't trust that is all, however I'm willing to sidestep the issue as Miss Scamander is due to be sorted."

"Oh - I forgot about that." Nancy hummed to herself. "It would have been so much easier to get sorted three days ago." She murmured, McGonagall looking down on her.

"Perhaps it would be, however, it is too late for that now. Would you prefer to be sorted with the first years, or privately." McGonagall asked,  Nancy considering it for a moment before choosing the second option. 

"Good, now this will have to be quick because Hagrid will have the first years over the Black Lake in no time. Boys, I expect to see you in the hall." McGonagall said, the four boys nodding, Sirius winking at the teacher before walking away.

"Take care of her, Minnie - I have a feeling she'll be rather fun." Sirius shouted back at them, McGonagall ignoring the boy, but Nancy did not, recieving a smirk when she turned around to look back at him. 

"I advise you that you're meticulous with who you choose to make friends with." Professor McGonagall said, directing Nancy into a small room, a stool with a hat on in the middle of it. "These are two very important years of your life, I suggest that you think carefully about who you spend those two years with." 

Nancy sat down on the stool, Professor McGonagall placing the hat on her head. "I appreciate the advice, Professor, and despite my lack of experience with school, I have inherited my grandfather's ability to judge characters without really even knowing them." The girl said, opening her mouth to add to it when a low voice growled in her ear. 

"Another Scamander. And not a first year." The hat said, and Nancy nodded. "You were in the headmaster's office the other day, were you not?" 

"I was, and I'm a sixth year." Nancy replied, the hat musing over her words for just a moment. "I don't really mind where you put me, preferably whatever house James Potter is in. I am rather curious about whatever he wants me to help." 

"I see. So you don't mind, yet you ask directly to be placed in Gryffindor. Well, I suppose if that's where you plan on going - you know I had the exact opposite thing with another student six years ago." The hat mused.

"Is that so?" Nancy asked, pulling up her tights and looking down at the floor, counting the tiles across the floor. 

"He wanted so desperately to be in Slytherin, however down in his heart, he was a Gryffindor. I'll leave it up to you to figure it out." The hat said, before announcing Nancy's house to be in fact, Gryffindor.

"Welcome, Miss Scamander. As your head of house, I hope your time in Gryffindor is pleasant. I trust you also inherited your grandfather's sense of direction, as I need to greet the first years. Please make your way back to the Great Hall." McGonagall said, as Nancy slid off of the school.

"Of course, thank you Professor." The girl exited the small room they were in and practically skipped her way back to the Great Hall, walking through the doors and spotting a table of red, four specific boys looking back at her. 

"Well, well, well." James said, pulling Sirius a little closer to him so that there was space for Nancy to sit down between them. "Look who got sorted into Gryffindor." 

"I heard asking the hat doesn't work, but it seemed to do pretty well for me." Nancy shrugged. "I suppose you can tell me what my magic can help with now?"

"After the feast." Sirius butted in, but when Nancy looked over at him, he was craning his neck to look over at other tables, seeming to be looking for someone in particular. 

Nancy didn't have any questions, but sat in between the two boys as they waited for the sorting to take place. She had a feeling that, despite McGonagall's words of warning, the four boys would turn out to be very close friends of hers.

She didn't just come to Hogwarts to get good grades - she came for friends, and it seemed like she would be getting them along with a lot of fun. 

Perhaps she had avoided school for too long, but either way, she was sure she was going to fit into Hogwarts just fine.

𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗼𝘆, sirius blackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin