A new life you say!!!

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Bella's pov.

I woke up after another nightmare. God I really hate those...
Looking at the clock seeing it was only 2 at night still. Thinking that I'm glad tonight Charlie has a night shift.
God I really hate doing this to him. I just really don't know how to stop. I really want to go back to normal and be his happy daughter again. But how?? I really don't know.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep more tonight and decided to get up and clean the house.
That is the least I can do. So I did just that.
Several hours later I had done the whole house. Even the windows.
When I thought that it was several days since I had taken the mail in.
Jumping into my shoes and grabbing my jacket I ran outside. God there was a lot in there.
I hurried inside, god it was cold outside this morning. It was almost 6:30 and dad would be home in about an hour.
I sorted through the mail, getting all the junk in one pile and other posts in the other before sorting trough that one.
Dad had gotten 7 letters, mostly bills since that was due in a couple of days.
I had gotten 3. Hmm I never get that much, I usually just get the paycheck from Newtons and that's it. Hmm better look at them...

I sat down opening the first one. It had a beautiful script on the front.
It was a long letter dated to have been received 2 days ago. Damn I better pull myself together.... It shoulden't have been out there this long. I know dad often forget to get it, so I usually do... Pull yourself together Swan!!!I opened it and read:

Dear Bella. (of course, since it was for me :) ) (A/N This (Bla bla bla) means that she is commenting while reading)

I know this letter, will shock you and confuse you, but you must read it all. !! (Well okay, if you say so)
Now I can't tell you who I am, but I am here to help you in anyway I can. (Uhmmm Thanks ?? )
You will receive several papers in the mail, in the upcoming days, that will not only help you, but your father. (Oookay)
One more thing before I explain everything I can.
You must be better to your father. You and him are meant for something more in this life. You will always have each other. Now let me explain.(That would be great thanks, and I was planning to, you whom I don't know..... Gahhh I'm going crazy here... Bella you can't answer someone that's writing to you in this way... GOD)

I know your heart feels broken right now, but I must tell you it can and will go away real soon. Now you have to believe me, cause what I will tell you in this letter is all true.(That would be nice... Uhm oookayyy)

Edward is not and will never be your mate!!!! (WHAT!!!!!) He dazzled you and his power still has a hold on you. (WHAT, NO WAY!!!) You must get angry at him/them before it breaks. You see Bella, in the world of vampires, some have what's called temopets. (Called a what now?) Or the whole word temporary pets. (Ohhhh)
Example: A vamp finds a human fascinating in one way or another. The vampire will then use its power over them to get them attached to them or even to the coven. The vamp will then use their power to get information. Some use them for sex others just to use up some time in the world.
This is what Edward and some of the Cullen's did to you. I know you can find out who if I say only 3 people did not. And too of them you were never close to. (Oh that SOB, how could he. And how could they. GAHHHH I so hate him right now, how can they do this to people... It's the cruelest thing I've ever heard. Make them love you and dump them in a cruel way is FUN to them? Gah...)

Now for the important part: (Like the above info wasn't important... Pffftthh)
I have several things that will change in your life. (Uhmm OOkay)

1: you and your father will change into vampire hybrids in 7 days. In the meantime several things will and must change. (UHMMM A what now)
2: you have to tell your father everything. Even give him this letter. (I HAVE TO WHAT!!!!)
3: you have to leave Forks. Your destiny lies elsewhere. More info later. (Okay, gladly, but I'm not sure dad would like that.)
4: you both have mates, your dads is a hybrid woman named Cara, and yours is a vampire named Taylor. You will meet them in about a years time. (What, and what now, how the hell do you know?)
5: you will both be really powerful and have full control of your powers when you wake up on the 8th day.(NICE)

First I must explain what a hybrid is to you. I am the only one that can make hybrids otherwise they are born. Vamp father/human mother.
They can drink blood, but not all do. You both will not need it. You will only eat human food. You will be stronger, see better, be able to fight a vampire or shifters, and you will be able to have children. You will only need about 4 hours of sleep a day.

Invisibility, to change looks, the elements of earth and water, shields (your original mental shield. Yes that's why he couldn't read you. Plus an physical shield) and the power to know. (WOW........)
Physical shield, the power to read and understand people from their behavior and body language, to always know if your safe and well, and to know where you are if your not, and the elements of fire, wind and water.(Way to go dad, awesome)

Lastly but not least: in 3 days you will both get a baby each. This baby is by your dna and yours to name. (We will get what now... aww come on man, I'm only 18)
These babies will bring you closer together and will be hybrids to. The only difference in them and you is that your done growing. But they need to. They will grow a bit fast but will stop at the age of 7 when they will look about 17-18 years old. They can't get sick.(That nice to know, but a baby... Really!!!)

In the upcoming days as I said you will receive papers and bank cards/statements. (Uhmmm Bank cards?)
You will both have an unlimited amount of money. Well it will be able to last you lifetimes.
You will have 350billion each. That should be enough. (WHAT, OH MY GOD) The cards are in this letter, so you can start planing right away. Passports to all countries and papers with names will come in 5 days time. (God this letter must be a hoaks, this is just getting weirder and weirder. But holy cow, I kind of know it's not... WEIRD...)
You have 9 houses around the world, papers on them will come tomorrow. (As I said)
You will start out in the Canadian home. That is the only thing decided for you.(Only thing decided for us... God like the whole letter wasn't a decision on your part, you unknown person you!!!)

I will write to you later.

Lots of love and healing to you both
From Nadia. (Ahh so that's your name.... Nice to know.... GAHHH)

I sat there stupefied for a long time. Just thinking everything over, this was going to be one weird day, I just knew....
I thought to myself that i better just get all the letters over with. And opened the next one.
It was a huge folder with a lot of info in it...
Apparently most of every info thing had come right away. / Yesterday....

There was, several bank papers, and a lot of stock marked info on what was in our name. (It was even more than what was written in total in the other letter... God she must be crazy!!)
There was papers on all the houses, where they were to what was in them, to what they were worth. (A lot of info) There was info on to new cars that was waiting for us at the new house. And papers on the babies we would get...
Somehow things had changed from the letter to this paper. Cause, dad would get a boy. (He would be happy about that.) But I would get twins... A boy and a girl. There was even a photo of them in the folder... This was really just to much information in here... But it also made me think. What about school, I was almost done, but what about it, and even my job... I would have to quit, if we were about to leave. This was going to take time to get used to.
I laid the folder on the table and opened up the last letter. It was just my last paycheck from Newtons, so no more info there.. Thank god...

By the time I was done it was just over 7am, so I thought as a gift to dad I would make him a good breakfast, and since I felt a whole lot better after the fight I had in my head about Duchewad it made my day/life so much better.... I guess that she was right about getting angry, and boy did I....

Just as dad came home, the food was on the table. I had made pancakes and waffles and had some fruit cut to put on. It looked really good.
I would tell him everything after we had eaten... I just hope that I can tell him everything....

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