Chapter 40

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Trevor sat alone in the commons and nervously checked his phone for messages. His eyes occasionally looked up towards the entrance before dropping back towards the phone. He could hear his little brother's voice before he could see him. Trevor stood up and started towards the corridor that connected the commons to the main hallway.

"Trevor!" Peter cheered as he tugged at his father's hand.

Seconds later the little boy was wrapping his arms around his big brother while his father, Robert, made his way into the commons. Behind him, Trevor's stepmother, Judith, carried three-year-old Olivia. After letting Peter's feet settle back on the floor, Trevor took his little sister in his arms for a tight hug.

Robert was a forty-two-year-old reflection of Trevor dressed in a shirt and tie and slacks. Judith, petite and twenty-six, wore jeans and a tight fitted t-shirt with her sandy blonde hair tied in a ponytail. Had she not been totting along her children she may have been mistaken for a student.

"Sorry we're late," Judith said softly. "We got in so late..."

"These two were doing tag team keeping us from getting out of the hotel on time," Robert complained with laughter in his voice.

"What? You didn't want to come and see me?" Trevor protested.

"No, they insisted they HAD to come to see you," Judith replied.

"I had to pee," Peter said with a giggle.

"I brushed my teeth," Olivia added while pointing towards her toothy grin.

"You did, let me see," Trevor demanded as he inspected his sister's smile. "Looks like you did an excellent job."

Trevor put his sister down then moved towards Judith to give her a hug. He moved on to hug his father, prompting and exchange of surprised looks between Robert and Judith. This didn't seem to be the same Trevor they had last seen in late February. He had never denied his siblings affection but neither could remember the last time they were on the receiving end of voluntary hugs.

"So. Where is she?" Judith asked. "This girl you were travelling with, when do we get to meet her?"

"Chelsea, well, after breakfast she had to go this way, I went that way. I'm not sure but she's probably in class."

"Is she your girlfriend?" Peter asked.

"Yes... Yes, she is," Trevor replied with a bright smile. "You'll have to meet her later; dad and I have to get to our meeting. You guys can just hang out here. There's a TV and some games and things, just look around."

Trevor and Robert walked out of the commons and headed towards the headmaster's office. The first few steps were taken in silence while Trevor sorted out what to say first.

"Sorry, dad. I messed up. Again."

"We'll take care of it," Robert replied.

Trevor nodded.

"So, this girl, Chelsea, how long have you two been... together? Is she the one you were caught... with?" Robert asked cautiously.

"No," Trevor replied as they stepped into the headmaster's office. "I'll explain later."

Robert followed Trevor, his forehead wrinkled in curiosity after Trevor's response.

"Trevor, Robert, please have a seat," headmaster Chambers said as he gestured towards empty chairs at a round table in the corner of his office. "I'm sorry about the delay."

"That's quite alright," Robert replied. "We got in late last night and had a little trouble with time this morning as well."

"That's quite alright. I needed a little time to follow up on a few things before we met," he said as he closed the door and made his way to the table.

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