A Raid to Remember

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Thorict was staninding in front of the window with her arms crossed under her bossom when Lawric walked in without a knock. "Why do you insist on going against my every wish?"

Without turning, she said, "Give me more freedom, and I will give you your respect, your lordship," She said the last part bitterly.

"Stop giving way to scandal," he said still a few steps from the entry way.

"Should they be taring down walls?" Thorict asked.

"Aye, we should be bringing down our walls, not bringing them up."

She huffed and turned. While pointing out the window she said, "Nay, should they be tearing down the wall. Outside," she emphasized the word outside. Lawric stomped over to the window. He said a quick "bloody hell" and strode hurridly to the door, and out of the castle.

Of course Thorict fallowed him, curious as to what transpired outside. When they passed his study, Thorict ducked in to take a sword from his collection on the wall. When she walked passed the fireplace, she noticed a glint off the mantle. Standing on her toes, Thorict saw her dagger on it. Smiling, she took the dagger and the sheath along with the sword.

Knowing she might loose Lawric, Thoric quickened her pace just in time to see Lawric slip through the door. A few guards fallowed Lawric out the enterance as she continued walking. They went passed the blacksmith hut, then stables, then to the oposite side of the castle where Thorict's room overlooked.

"Who are ye?" Lawric stated at a distance. A few men stopped scratching at the wall to turn around to face Lawric. Thorict was still a few paces behind the last guard, when a man broke into a run from the wall. The man didn't see her since he took a look back at the last guard.

Thorict stepped in his way, she waited until he was closer and wraped her arms around his waist to throw him down. She purposely came down with him, landing with one leg on his side like she was straddling him and the other leg tucked under her, with her weight on her knee into his back. Almost all at once, the men turned too look at her and the man on the ground. Thorict snaked her arm through his and pushed her elbow into his back, he groaned with the new pressure.

"What are ye doing here? Ye are not from this clan," asked rather loudly.

"I naught need to tell ye boy," the man lifted up his head and groaned out. The lad was heavier than he assumed.

There was a movement from Thorict that made her shift on his back. The feel of a cool metal was against his jugular, "I just got this back, and I've been dying to use it again," she leaned down and whispered into his ear. She straightened up again, yet not relenting the pressure of the dagger. "Now, I'll ask again, who are ye?"

"I am Tyrig, from the Cyrit Clan," he said into the dirt.

She took some pressure from the dagger off his throat, but still touching the skin, "Why are ye here?"

"We were taking down the wall o get supplies through."

"Ye clan's or me clan's?" There was a few seconds of silence from him, and she pressed her knife back to his throat. He quickly answered.

"We needed to steal food from ye clan," once he started talking, Thorict lowered the dagger. The man turned his head to his side so he could see her face, "Our leader has naught tossed us a bone to eat. Children are dying." The man looked like he had a tear in his eye. Thorict untangled their arms and stood up. She waited for the man to open his eyes and turn over. Once he turned over, she extended her hand to help him up.

Once they were both up, Thorict turned to where the men were standing. Lawric wasn't near the other guards, and they had five or six men up against the wall. She looked at Tyrig, "Come, I'll find me leader,"

Lawric rounded the corner of the castle with a young lad in each hand. His eyes landed on the man walking unmanned next to Thorict, "Grab the brute!" He bellowed.

Throict stoped a few paces away the Lawric, where he thre the two lads on the ground next to the othere. "Nay, ye the brute," he glared at her, his eyes becoming a dark storm.

"What ye dare to say to me wench?" The men on the ground where afriad of the man, yet anger radiated off him in waves. Most of the men glowered in fear as he strood past them toward the young lad that walked next to Tyrig.

"A brute," she stood her ground, angling her head up. She set her lips firm, and balled her fists, "I called ye a brute," he stopped a bare space between them, sporting a death stare, "Have ye talked to the men? They have a valid reason," Thorict raised onto her toes, giving her another inch as she poked him in the chest, "with ye being the future leader, why ye naught know of ye neighbors?"

Lawric opened his mouth, then concidered her words. He opened his mouth again as

she lowered herself to the heels of her feet. "Aye, ye right. I naught know of me neighbors." he said softly. Laric turned to face the men, and motioned them up. His men looked on in confusion, "Come join us to the noon meal. We will talk with me father about your situation."

Damn that woman if she didn't look smug as she sheathed her dagger and walked in line with the men.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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