1 - Intro Segment

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There was a gentle buzz from my phone against the coffee table in front of my navy blue suede couch. The classic and familiar "Radiate" sound quickly grabbed my attention as a set alarm went off. I reacted quickly to the familiar alarm which rang at 7:55 every Monday night.

"June! You have five minutes!" I called out to my sister in the two-story house which I've shared with her. I rapidly ran my hands through the cushions of my couch. I searched for the remote to the television, I eventually felt my hands wrap around the black plastic item. I scrambled to press the buttons to both turn on the TV and change the channel. The sound of a commercial break flooded out of the speakers.

"Red, white or rose tonight?" June asked, I could hear her voice from the kitchen behind me. I thought for a moment before calling back to her with my answer.

"White!" Seconds later I could hear June's rapid footsteps as she ran down the stairs, she smiled at me holding two wine glasses in one hand and waving the large bottle of cheap grocery store white wine in her other. She put the items down on the coffee table before she flopped on the couch next to me as we heard Chris Harrison's voice through the television's speakers, "Tonight, on the Bachelorette."

Like we have on every Monday, June and I let ourselves sink into the dark blue cushions downing glass after glass of wine, watching the hours of trash television about a collection of people attempting to find love. The two of us both cried as we watched the contestant with soft features and soft dark brown hair, Atticus, was sent to the back of an SUV crying.

"Why did he have to go, he was the best out of all of them." I mumbled through my tears as I watched the man on the screen in front of me sob over the break up.

"And she gave the rose to Toby over Atticus?!" June shrieked, she gulped down her current glass and leant over to pour another from the bottle of white. Our sobs were interrupted when a voice over from Chris Harrison blasted out of the television, encouraging aspiring contestants to apply. "You know what, I'm signing you up." June stated, rising from her seat on the couch. She ran up the stairs, with the sound of her stumbling every few steps, no doubt a result of her drinking the majority of the wine. I turned off the TV and went upstairs to find June with her laptop at the dining table. "Why aren't you stopping me? Are you not going to stop me?" She rambled as she typed in my information.

"No. I'm not. In the twenty two years of your life, I've learnt that stopping you from doing something is hopeless. Plus, it could be fun to get some time off work and travel. And, who knows–maybe this thing really does work." I explained.

"Sounds good to me, now they want to know if you have any children." June stated, her face inches away from the screen. It's moments like these that always boosted my argument that June needed glasses. I had been saying this since middle school, but June always refused to admit that she could see the same amount as a mole. In biology my freshman year of high school, I did a project on the mole and learnt that they have terrible eyesight, so I compared it's eyesight to June. I got an A.

"No, no I do not." June continued to fill out the application, occasionally asking for my input. Finally, she firmly clicked against the touchpad of her laptop, submitting the application, allowing the waiting period to begin. After the click, the two of us sat in silence for a moment staring at the screen trying to process what we had just done. June broke the silence: "Hey, maybe production will choose Atticus."

"Don't get my hopes up." I said getting up from the table and getting two full glasses of water from the kitchen in an attempt to sober the two of us up.

"If you do end up getting it, you're gonna' have to watch what you drink since you're such a lightweight, you don't want your drunk unfiltered thoughts on national television." June slurred out after taking a few large gulps from the water I brought back to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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