« Arc 1 | Ch 2 »

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=| Warped Assassin Arc |=
Chapter 2: An Assassin In A Hero School

A cloaked figure stood atop a building, blending into the darkness of the early morning.

"Soon...there will be no more heroes..." the cloaked figure said darkly, "...soon."

Azure eyes fluttered open to the new dawn, after adjusting to the light that creeped through the curtains, they scanned the familiar room. Nagisa sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes. He then stretched his arms and scratched his hair, which only added to its already messy state.

He looked to his side to find Recovery Girl. She was pouring hot water into a blue mug. He blinked his eyes a few times, his memories a blur from just waking up.

He yawned, catching the old woman's attention.

"Ah, Nagisa-chan!" she chimed, a smile on her face. She walked over to the boy with the same blue mug and a plate with a freshly made sandwich. "Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"Good morning," Nagisa slurred his reply, "I'm feeling much better, thanks."

"Here you go," She gave him the mug and sandwich. Nagisa slowly reached out and placed the plate on his lap before taking the cup of herbal tea. As he did so, Recovery Girl placed one of her hands on his forehead and the other on hers. "Hmm, yup, it looks like you've recovered Nagisa-chan.

"You ought to finish that tea and sandwich to regain your strength," she instructed. "Then when you're done, I need you to change out of your clothes so we can get them washed."

Nagisa simply nodded, as he was too focused on his rumbling tummy to give a solid response. He didn't waste any more time as he took a bite into the one of the sandwich slices, enjoying the soft and delicious mixed texture of the bread and filling.

Yup, tomato and cheese. Good stuff.

As he finished the slice, he took another sip of the hot tea, allowing it to clear the fog in his mind. He closed his eyes as memories of the day before began rushing in.

His eyes snapped open.

"That's right!" he suddenly said. "I'm in another world! And one with heroes and stuff!" He looked around the infirmary, "I thought it was all a dream."

Recovery Girl chuckled at the boy, "Oh I assure you Nagisa-chan, this is no dream," she said, "And as soon as Midoriya-kun is done with his first class, we need to let the principal and a couple of teachers know you're here," her expression turned serious, "And of course what you told Midoriya-kun yesterday..."

Nagisa frowned at his reflection in the tea, "About the person who brought me here," his frown deepened, "and wants to end all heroes."

"There's no doubt about it," the old woman began, "Whoever brought you here has incredible power," she closed her eyes, "Something tells me that you're going to be useful Nagisa-chan." She smiled at the boy.

The blunet pointed a finger at himself, "Me?" She nodded. Nagisa picked up another sandwich piece, "But what can I do against someone like that?"

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," she chimed before walking to the other side of the room and fetching some clothes, "In the meantime, you'll have to change into this while you're clothes are getting cleaned. Okay?"

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