Chapter Four

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Harry sat on his newly assigned bed folding clothes that Jean had gifted him. Well, they weren't really gifts-they were donations. As Harry mindlessly folded the pile of grays and blues, his eyes swept over the room.

He hadn't met his roommate yet, but from what he could guess they were a very tidy male. A very small amount of things were left out of the drawers and the closet, and if they were out it was something for everyday use. A hairbrush, a clean jacket on a chair, and various other personal items seemed to stay on his roommate's side of the room. Had Harry taken someone else's place?

Just as he finished folding, the door to the room clicked open and in came one of the strangest people Harry had ever seen. The boy looked tired and worn out, but most importantly he was blue.

Harry was about to introduce himself, but his roommate let out an accented mumble before he fell. Though he didn't actually fall down. Harry heard a faint poof and saw a cloud of blue mist take over the spot. Then he heard a plop and a satisfied sigh on the bed on the other side of the room.

Harry fidgeted, wondering what he was supposed to do. Clearing his throat, Harry let out a tentative "Hello?"

Tail flicking up wildly, the boy's head shot up and faced Harry's direction. Yellow eyes squinted confusedly into Harry's own. The blue boy let out and awkward sharp-toothed smile. The fangs weren't scary, Harry had honestly seen larger on Remus. Speaking of Remus, Harry was getting the same sort of vibes from Remus from his new roommate.

"Well, Hello! You my new roomie? My name's Kurt, and yours is?" said Kurt. Harry cracked a smile at his accent, it was soft and kind.

"My name's Harry, nice to meet you," He said.

Sitting up properly and pulling a pillow to hug to his chest, Kurt nodded back at Harry and gave him another once-over. His browbones pulled together, and he asked, "What's your mutation? If you're willing to share that is," The lilt and sibilant tones of Kurt's voice relaxed Harry's absurd anxieties. Harry just hasn't lived with someone for a long time.

Harry weighed his options, and then shrugged knowing that he didn't particularly care for minuscule, non-deadly consequences.

He smiled back at Kurt and slowly morphed into his mirror image, but shorter.

Kurt's smile faltered slightly before beaming once again, "We don't discriminate here, and you've got a real good ability, Hari." And with that, Harry morphed back to his normal looks and beamed back.

"I heard there was a new mutant coming here! They appeared in the Irish rebel bombing this week, I hope they weren't part of it. We've got too many angsty normie haters here"

"Don't be rude. Besides, most of those 'normies' hate us anyway- I don't know why you act like having a grudge is such a travesty."

"I just don't want to be like them, discriminating needlessly. Mutants that act out like that just make it all worse for the rest of us,"

"Can we just agree that what those mutants did was wrong but not entirely unjustified?"


Harry stood outside the dining hall door with Kurt, they both could hear the conversations behind the door. Harry breathed in and out calmly. A bunch of kids wasn't too scary and Harry knew he could handle rumors easily. He just didn't want to be immediately cast out.

Kurt sent Harry a reassuring smile, but then Kurt disappeared in a cloud of navy smoke. The door to the dining hall opened from the inside by Kurt. Harry heard a faint "No powers in the hall!" as he entered. Noone seemed to really be paying attention to the new student.

Harry quickly followed Kurt to the food area and picked out a selection of fruit and bread. Harry trailed after Kurt nervously and they both sat down at a far end table. A bunch of other teens was there, and they seemed to be friends with Kurt.

"Hi! My name's Kitty!"

Startled, Harry looked up from his food and found that the friend group was looking expectantly at him. Harry introduced himself, and soon Harry now had the names Pyro, Bobby, Rogue, and Syren.

After those four had stopped discreetly showing off their powers, save for Rogue who had whispered something about it being "not safe enough," they urged him to do the same. Kurt awkwardly laughed and hastily assured Harry that he didn't have to do anything. However, Harry just smiled and presented them with his hand. Slowly, they watched with growing confusion and horror as Harry's skin transitioned from his normal olive to spotty magenta, and finally to neon green. Harry's eyes seemed to be changing between a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes too.

Pyro, or "John" as bobby teased, snorted and gave a simple response,

"What the fuck?"

So obviously, Kurt is aged down a little to fit the same age range as Bobby and the gang. I think I'll still be loosely following the X2 movie timeline but don't quote me on that. Nightcrawler is surprisingly hard to write because I don't want to make him too Spiderman or too angsty. I read some more comics with him in them, and his roles change lots- so forgive me if my writing of him is a little rocky at first.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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