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A Delayed Christmas Present!
[ 0.14 ]

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN'T taken your fucking christmas decorations down yet, big bill. i mean, it's new years eve!" eddie complained, walking into the warm house that smelled of cinnamon.

"well," bill smiled, "mike's fucking lazy, and i'm also lazy and neither of us wanted to do it alone. so i enlisted a couple of assholes to help. besides, it's nice we can all hang out on new years eve. we never got to when we were younger because of peniswise. so that's why you dicks are here."

eddie grinned. "watch it, bitch. we don't have to help."

"yeah, bill!" richie yelled from upstairs. "you better be on your knees thanking us!"

"kinky!" beverly added in from the living room.

laughter erupted from the house. the seven friends were all at bill and mike's home, helping the boys clean up their christmas decorations because, although bill was the "leader" of the group and mike was the responsible one, they couldn't do anything on their own. the seven of them had been friends since they were young. no matter what, they were kind of bonded together. they made an oath.

derry, maine was a pretty fucked up town. no doubt about it. kids died much too often, and nearly everyone was homophobic, racist, a bully, or just a piece of shit. the worst part of all is the demons it held below the surface. no one talked about them, or rather, it. no one wanted to. but these people did, when they were still kids and again when they were forty. the difference between them and others, is that they never stopped believing in the magic of, well, believing.

every twenty-seven years, this force of pure evil would come back and feast upon people and their fears, it's main target children. adults weren't attacked nearly as often because they weren't scared; they didn't believe that monsters still hid under the bed, or the voices you heard in the drain sometimes were real. they only feared one thing: bills. children were gullible, and vulnerable. vulnerability was what it desired. fear. seven thirteen year old kids were the ones who did something when no one else bared to. and it was those same seven kids, who were by then in their forties and exhausted, that finished what they started. the force was dead.

they were okay. they were learning to live again. eddie kaspbrak, who was unhappily married to a woman who embodied his mother, got a long fought-over and well deserved divorce. beverly marsh and ben hanscom, the lovers who fought for their happy ending from the start, got married (richie was beverly's made of honor). stan the man uris somehow convinced his wife to move to derry with him. the other losers, as they called themselves, were extremely happy to meet the lovely lady and she immediately clicked with everyone (though richie still slightly confused patty). big bill signed the divorce papers audra had filed for, and he and mike were happily dating. mike was hoping to propose soon. last but not least, richie was coping. he was still traumatized at night by it's taunting of his "dirty little secret" and nightmares of losing eddie.

he saved him. richie saved him. but it was by a mere second, and in his dreams he still saw the blood on his hands, dark and criticizing. he still heard eddie cry out richie's name as he took his last breath. that would've been what happened, if it weren't for

"richie! i did it, i think i really did it! i killed it!" eddie exclaimed. he sat above richie, so close to him he could kiss him. richie wouldn't have been mad if that were to have happened. richie tried to focus on eddie, but for some reason he couldn't. perhaps it was the deadlights or the fact that he tasted blood in his mouth, but he couldn't bring his attention to focus on

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