1~Moving Out~1

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My name is (Y/N) Hitachiin.

After I was born my parents found out I , to their surprise, had psychic powers. They were young and didn't know any better so the gave me up for adoption.

After six years I mastered my psychic powers on my own and was tired of staying in the orphanage. I teleported out every once in a while and finally figured out I was in Hidari Wakabaru, Japan. At age 10 I was finally adopted by Hikaru Hitachiin. He needed a female model he could always have and was getting lonely and wanted children but had no wife, for some reason.

So I was protected by my new father and uncle. Known as one of their prized possessions who they would spoil and love. A year later my uncle adopted my now cousin Kazumi Hitachiin. We became best friends even though he was a year younger than me.

Together we went to Ouran Academy. Which leads to now me in my second year of high school and Kazumi in his first.


"Father please!" I plead

"No (Y/N)! I would never let you that far away from me!" yelled father

"It's not that far. Besides I need to learn how to be independent! Kazumi will be with me anyways, we'll protect each other" I continue

"That's the problem! You know I love Kazumi but that boy cant protect himself at all, besides those commoners are dangerous! They wouldn't know what to do once they saw your beautiful presence!" he yelled hugging me while caressing my head

"Father! I'm a psychic there's nothing that can harm me!" I whined

"(Y/N) please, if I let you go now you might leave me forever" he said dramatically

"Hikaru please she's 17 and she's one of the most powerful beings in this world. You're being dramatic" Uncle Kaoru said entering the room

"See! I'll be fine with Kazumi, both of us on our own!"

"no No NO! At least not right now, I still need to protect you! You're still my little girl and I love you!" he said squeezing me

"Well what if Kyoya's police force were protect me and Kazumi!" I said excited

"Hey she's got a point, Kyoya loves this loser" Kaoru said pointing at me laying on the couch with Kazumi playing his game

"Okay, where do you even think of going" asked Father

"Well maybe back to my hometown..." I whispered the last part

"Where I adopted you?" he asked

"Well yeah I know that place! There's this private school, and there might be a..." I started hesitating with the last part

"A what?" father questioned worried

"Well I went by there and well there might be... ANOTHER PSYCHIC!" I yelled

Kazumi and Kaoru looked surprised and my father, well I could never begin to explain his face.

"a-a-a-ANOTHER ONE! Dear god my love! You could've just told me!"

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