Cindy lauper and the BMW

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My timeline with season two is a bit whack but I'm asking you to bare with me

I couldn't sleep, I'd spent the last half hour rubbing my cold toes together and replying the same five songs, on my only album, side B broke about five months ago, on my new headphones but the same old Walkman. I wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon.
I was too worried, and not about myself for once. Three days ago Steve showed up at my door face, cut up and bruised, "I swear to you y/n I was winning at one point, ow, ow.... I said ow." He pulled away from my bag of frozen mixed vegetables. "Oh I'm sure king Steve beat Hargrove's ass. But Dustin says he thought you were going to die on the Byers living room floor."
"Yeah well, Dustin is a tendency to exaggerate." He said smiling and immediately regretted it, "shush now, my mom will go mental if she sees you up here."
I just worried about him, he can't keep his face away from someone's fists for longer than it takes him to do his hair in the morning. I swung my legs out of bed slipping vans on to my feet and my new fleece lined denim jacket over my pyjamas.

My mother had always been a heavy sleeper but god was she protective, she used to love Steve his high regarded father and his new BMW 733i. But she did eventually catch us mixed veg in hand "y/n, what have I told you about the door, op- oh, Steve, what happened to your face."
"Mom just get out, I'll leave the door, just-" but she gave me the look, the look only a mother can give imposing fear into the receiving child. "That new billy Hargrove at school done it Mrs Henderson."
"He's an asshole mom, it wasn't Steve's fault." After he had left my mom pulled me aside "I don't want you running around with hooligans getting you into trouble y/n."

I watched her bedroom door, the outline was illuminated with flashing colours, it was too hard to tell if she fell asleep watching murder she wrote again or was still awake. Making it to the safety of downstairs I picked up the yellow reciver nailed to the kitchen wall and let it ring. "Hello." I tired and groggy voice picked up, "Steve?"
"y/n?! What's wrong.... are you okay." The concern of his voice was drowned by his tiredness. "Steve, can you come get me." I whispered, "why, are you okay it's one in the morning." It wasn't the time nor the place but his groggy morning voice gave my tingles in my stomach, "I'm just- I'm thinking about you.... and I want to see you." There was grunting noises from the other side like he was shifting to sit up in his bed. "And what are you going to do If I come get you at this fine hour." I suppressed a giggle. "Shower you with my love and affection." There was a scoff from the other-side, "good enough for me." The line went dead.

I tiptoed on the top of my sneakers across the living room and out the front door shutting it as noise free as possible, the night was cold, very cold. I was starting to regret my choice of clothing. Steve's house was not too far away, we lived in a relatively quite area outside of town whereas Steve lived in the hight of suburbia even then, Hawkins was still small. It was five minutes of rocking from heel to toes and arms folded when Steve pulled up I could see him slightly through the window, arm outstretched across the wheel, head bent low to see me, as I sprinted I saw a small tired smile on his face. I opened the car door and shut it again, the warmth from inside hit me immediately. Steve was wearing the burgundy sweating I got him for Christmas last year, we were just friends back then."nice sweater." I commented shuffling the jacket off and throwing it in the back seat. "Nice pjs." I rolled my eyes, but still grinned at him, his face was still cut up, the blood had been washed away but there was still a cut on his lower lip and a scratch on his nose and a large gash from eye to cheek that look incredibly painful. "It doesn't hurt much anymore." He was lying, I could tell. I looked away and out the front window. "Same old parking lot?" I asked opening the glove compartment to shuffle through different cassettes. "Cindy Lauper?." I asked holding up the cassette, he glanced at me for a spilt second before returning to watch the road, "hmm yeah. I'm sure that's yours." He said cracking a smile, I loved watching his drive, he looked so relaxed, instead of ten to two position it was more of a twenty five to five, he head bopping slightly to the beat of I drove all night.

"So what caused this sudden urge to see me y/n, my irresistible good looks, my charm or my cars irresistible leather interior." I giggled quietly resting my elbow on the door leaving against the window, "well it definitely wasn't for your witty sense of humour." We pulled Into the car park in front of the movie rental store next to the arcade where Dustin and his friends spent three quarters of the allowance.

We normally sit here at night or early morning, talking shit, of just messing around. "C'mon y/n no ones looking." Last summer when we first got together, three months into our relationship I still thought he loved Nancy, we just sat in the car and talked, and then done some not talking. "Yeah, but what if someone just like drives past." Steve laughed burying his head into my shoulder. "You are adorable." He teased placing a small kiss on my neck in the back seat of that BMW. And then another until I forgot about anything but what was right in front of me. But that was summer and now it's winter, and there is more on my mind than Nancy wheeler.

"After you." He said taking off his seatbelt and kicking off his new nikes. I slid off my sneakers that hadn't been laced up in the first place and climbed into the back seat, Steve not long after. He hadn't even sat properly before I straddled him, "so this is what you called me for?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Stephen!" I said pretending to be offended. "No, I came to cuddle." I placed my head on his shoulders letting my arms fall in between us as he wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, why you being so soft and sappy all of a sudden huh." He kissed the crown of my head. I paused, shook from his grip and started into his eyes. I brought my hands up to cup his face, running a thumb from eyebrow to cheek bone, he winced under my touch and pushed away my hand, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little hurt. "Steve?" I said softly. He didn't look at me, he looked at his hands, at least they were in better shape than his face. "Steve please look at me." He did, his brown eyes watering a little, he sniffed hard. "Your a stubborn ass you know that." I said, feeling that flush in my face you do before you cry. He nodded slightly, "I don't like it when you worry over me, your not supposed to worry over me I'm supposed to worry over you, keep you safe and-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Don't give me that spiel." I said smiling gently. "You do look after me, and keep me safe, and all that manly shit. But my favourite part about you Steve is how gentle you can be, how real you are. When I'm with you I feel like I can be me, cry about stupid shit and laugh about it later, and I want you to feel comfortable with me, I don't want you to feel like you have to hold it in all the time just because billy fucking Hargrove does." He rubbed his eyes, "Your right, your always right." I smiled at him again and he smiled back. "Will you let me make you feel better."

He smiled at that, his lips curving into a smile, the small cuts rising. "Okay." I leaned foreword placing a kiss on his forehead then his temple, cheekbone, cheek, jaw. Holding my left hand on his chin keeping face up, cupping his face on the mostly unmarked side. I raised my hand into his hair, the hair only I could touch, burying my fingers, scratching the back my his neck. I pulled away, bringing my hand to his face, my thumb resting by his ear my fingers still hidden in brown locks, "I love you." I whispered, "I love you too." He whispered back, placing his lips on mine knocking me back, my back hitting the drivers seat in front. His hands grabbing my waist, but I kept my lips from moving, he pulled away confused, brows knitted together, "Steve, it's like 3AM, didn't your mother ever tell you nothing good ever comes after 2AM." I said teasing, I snuck my hands up his sweater, letting them rest on his warm abdomen, "are you saying you can't cum after 2am." He quipped back smirking know, face forgotten. "Stephan !" I said raising my voice only a little in pretend offence. "Ugh I love it when you say my full name really turns me on." He joked, hoisting me up from his lap and laying me down on the seats. I giggled and little to hysterically, he planted a small kiss on my cheek. "We can cuddle if you want to." He suggested. I nodded silently. "Then that's what we will do."

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