The Exchange Student (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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V i c t o r i a

I slam the door as I walk inside my house. "Mom, I'm home!" I shout and throw my bag on the floor. I rip my shoes off my feet and wiggle my toes letting them breathe. I walk over to my bedroom and close the door.

I grab my 'journal' from under my mattress and jump onto my bed. No, it's not a diary but a journal. I hate when people call it a diary.

Dear Me,

It's already the first week of school and I absolutely hate it. Senior year isn't really what I imagined it to be. Those cheesy movies you watch are complete bull shit. It's just another year in the life of Victoria Green. I just wish that this year stands out more than the others. Like something good to happen because it's just the same thing every year. I want something from out of the movies to happen. I know it may sound pretty dumb but I want my last year to be special.

I bite the end of my pen then close my 'journal' and place it back under my bed. I rest my head on my pillow and close my eyes.


I shoot my eyes open and groan. I can't even get a few minutes alone in peace.

"What?" I shout.

I wait a little bit but don't hear an answer. God, I hate when she does that. I decide to just sit there and not move at all since she didn't reply to me. I close my eyes once again.

"Tori, come here!"

I roll of the bed and drag myself to the kitchen, "Well maybe next time you could tell me what you want."

"Tori, we need to talk." I look up and see my mom staring at me fidgeting with her hands.

"Yeah, what's up?" I walk over to the cupboard and take a glass and pour water into it.

"Well- I.. uh werehavinganexchangestudentcomehere," she says so fast I can barley make out what she said.

"Whoa, slow down." I tell her taking a sip of my water.

"I'm letting an exchange student come live here with us."

I gulp and almost spit out all my water from my mouth, "You what?!"

"I said-"

"No. I heard you," I take my free hand and run it through my hair, "Why didn't you ask me about any of this?"

"I knew you wouldn't let me."

"How are you gonna care for two freaking people when you say it's impossible to even take care of me!"

"You know how much harder it's been on me since dad left us."

I roll my eyes, "Please don't talk about him around me." My dad left us three years ago. I don't know why, but he cheated on my mom with some other girl. It's his loss though moms got the looks. I don't even know what she saw in him anyway.

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head. I don't get along with people that well. I'm surprised I even have a few friends. I'm just not one of those people who like attention and are talkative. I'm quite shy actually. It'll probably be the same with this exchange person. "So whens she getting here?" I put my hand on my hip and glare at my mom.

"It's a he, and he's coming in two days."

"Where's he from?"

"From England and his names Harry Styles, I think." Harry Styles from England hmm.

I laugh, "The British are coming!" My mom chuckles at my joke. "Is he like 11, 12, 13.."

"...He's a few months older than you so he'll be in your grade level. Don't try to boss him around too much."

I don't want some scrawny exchange kid living here. They'll think they're the boss around here just because they're older. And let me tell you, if they try to start something I got my fists ready.

"If he tries to boss me around tell him to-"


I step back with my hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'll be in my room. Don't bother me anymore."

I hear my mom laugh. I walk in my room and lock the door once again and belly flop on my bed. I wonder how this 'Harry' boy looks.

Maybe a ginger.

Or a blonde.

Or a brunette.

He could be a nerd.

A total jock.

A emo/goth freak.

A player.

I breathe into my pillow. I really don't wan't him to come. I like it just me and my mom. I don't need someone ruining it.

This should be interesting.


I wanted to do a story not a lot of people do. I really hope you like this though. Please keep reading. Vote & Comment. (: Please check out my other story, Royal Affairs, on my profile.

Please follow "happy harry" on Vine. It's my friends account and if I help her get to 10K she'll give me her 1D concert tickets! (:

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