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     So this fanfic was supposed to be for one of Sarah Benson's contests, but I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time to work on it. If you need evidence, look at this past week's schedule: I had musical rehearsal till approximately 6 PM every day, and I got out of school at 2:35. In between I was changing costumes to practice for the musical scenes, and then I had a ton of homework. That's basically what my weeks were like in these past four weeks, not to mention that for a few of them I also had the addition of going to crew practice. So as you can see, I've been pretty busy. I will still write this book, but just know that it will not be submitted into the contest. Apparently, I'm not good at writing books under pressure, so unless Sarah gives me an extension by about three weeks, I won't finish this in time. I'm not giving up on it, I'm just not going to submit it if it is not possible. I'm planning for 10 chapters, and I already have five written, the three here included, but I just want you to know it will be finished on time. Also, fun fact: I wrote this whole office note using voice text on my Kindle! How cool is that? It's getting better at picking up on my voice.

-Misty out

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