King Again ~ Lauren Aquilina

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o--]====> Huge Time Skip

It had been three years and no sign of Lin has been found... no one could find the precious ward. Until one day when they were on a hunting trip, just Arthur and Morgan. Suddenly bandits came out of the woods and started to attack the two of them. Everything was going to Hell, there was too many of them...

An arrow came out of nowhere and hit the person in front of Arthur. More and more arrows flew across the forest until it was just Arthur and Merlin standing. It was a few seconds of silence until a figure dressed in a shorter brown and blue cloak flung itself into Arthur. The prince was knocked off balance and fell to the ground with an oof.

Morgan got into a defense stance but soon the figure pulled away from the prince. "Arthur!" Lin's face was overly happy and a grin took up most of her face. The blond smiled and hugged the ward looking at her in disbelief. "Lin? Oh my lord, how- What- um... are you alright?" The warlock pulled away from the prince and smiled happily, "Better now."

The trio walked back to Camelot where Uther instantly hugged his ward. Lin somewhat stiffened but still hugged back, "it's so good to be back!" The started to plan a feast but Lin watched Morgan as the man tried to avoid her. "What happened?" Everyone asked and the warlock's smile would falter.

"It's a long story..." some respected that however the King and prince only urged her to continue. Morgan stood off to the side with Gaius and Gwen when the ward started her story.

"Morgause took me to her hideout where she... she tried to get information about Camelot. I held off for at least a couple of years until a chance was brought into the light. She didn't know I could use a bow... I was able to run for it." Lin's breath was ragged but she continued.

"I knew she would hunt me so I found myself some clothes. I hid in plain sight until I could figure out exactly where I was. Thankfully I found a pleasant traveler who help me get to Camelot's border. From there I started to make my way back... there was a lot of bandits so I had to stay in the shadows. Then I saw Arthur and rushed into the light for the first time in a while."

When the story ended Lin bit her lip and gave a half hearted smile. "Now I should go rest... Gaius, would you mind checking me over?" The old physician nodded and then Gwen, Gaius, and Lin left the throne room. Everyone was left shocked at the kindhearted ward's story and slowly got back to work.

Gaius and Gwen listened to the real story as soon as they were in the safety of Lin's chambers. "After getting stabbed I spent the first year just getting back to normal. Then the next two years I learned so much from Morgause... however the last couple of months I've been adventuring with Lancelot." Gwen smiles sadly and Lin hugged her best friend. "We saw Gwaine on the road here... they both have their memories. They both know to keep it all a secret."

Gaius raised his eyebrow, "Gwaine keeping his mouth shut? I fear you have to much faith." They all laughed and Lin showed them all the little spells she learned that were simple beautiful and innocent. After a few hours Lin was back in a dress and cleaned up. "He misses you..." the warlock whispered when Gaius left.

Gwen bit her lip, "and I him..." Lin pulled Gwen to sit next to her on the bed. "Hey it's alright, Lancelot told me what happened after he stepped through the veil. He may have died but he was with family... he told me he'd wait for you on the other side." Gwen hugged Lin and wept, shaking in the warlock's arms.

Lin knew that this wouldn't rewrite time... she knew she could change her choices in theory. At least that's what she told herself... however ever choice she had made so far felt wrong. Every time she acted like Merlin... acted like herself... it was like a swift kick in the gut. How she found herself putting the mandrake root under Uther's bed felt so relaxing, so normal. That's what scared the warlock... she feared she might lose herself in this mission.

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