Garish & Gaudy!

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It wasn't long before the event was in full swing, and if you've ever seen a Stars Hollow event in full swing, well, you know it was a sight to behold. People in warm, woolen sweaters and colorful scarves meandered through the vendor booths and exhibits, and the good-natured chatter back and forth between neighbors and strangers alike reminded me of why I thought Stars Hollow was the best little town in Connecticut, maybe even the world.

Paris and I stood on the sidewalk, scribbling our thoughts down on our notepads. I wrote a quick description of a hand-knitted hat one of the children who passed us was wearing. It was dark green with little, silver tinkling bells attached around the edge.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the altercation between Sookie and Barb out of my mind. It wasn't just trash talk among colleagues; it was definitely something more.

"I hope Sookie wins," I muttered to myself. Maybe if she did, the bad blood between her and Barb would dissipate. That would surely put my mind at ease.

"I just hope no one needs bail," Paris quipped back. Clearly I hadn't muttered softly enough to myself. "And unless Blazes gives me a great interview, I can't imagine what we can write that will make this seem like an event worth attending."

"The parade begins in fifteen mintues. There should be some good imagery there, right?" I spoke up hopefully. I wanted Paris to see what I saw in Stars Hollow, but that was definitely asking too much. Still... I tried.

Paris shrugged. "If you like garish and gaudy, I guess." I rolled my eyes, but kept my opinions to myself for the time being.

Luckily, the residents of Stars Hollow seemed to be more excited by the prospect of a parade than Paris was. Whole families, children like stairsteps, lined the streets of downtown, and those who were lucky enough to live downtown were all out on their front porches. I doubted a single Stars Hollow resident was not in attendance. No one was willing to miss the colorful floats or the brassy music of the Stars Hollow Marching Band.

"Jesus," Paris snapped as she shuffled from one foot to another in agitation. She'd been in the town limits less than an hour and she was already miserable. People jostled behind us to find a good spot. I crossed my fingers and hoped no one bumped into Paris. She was a wee bit of a touch me not.

"Don't these people have a life?" She snarled in the direction one of Babette's cousins who encroached upon her six inches of self-proclaimed "personal space". Bill, I think it was. Or maybe Bob. I could never keep the two straight. Either way, he smartly got out of dodge.

"Even you have to admit parades are fun," I said, taking the final swig of my coffee, judging the distance from where we were to the spot across the square where Luke had set up a coffee station. Getting there meant I'd have to cross the parade route.

Do I have time to dash over there and grab a cup before the parade starts? I wondered. I made some quick calculations in my head.

As much as I wanted the caffeine buzz to continue, I didn't want to get caught someplace

where I couldn't see the parade. So, I dropped my backpack onto the ground beside me, grabbed my press packet and clicked my pen, readying myself. I wanted to take as many notes as possible early in the day, so I could enjoy the Hep Alien performance without any guilt later t.

The bass drum beats of the Stars Hollow Marching Band signalled the beginning of the parade. My heart thudded in rhythm with the downbeat, and I felt a huge smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It was impossible not to smile. I glanced over at Paris who wore an impressive scowl. Of course, impossible unless you were the formidable Paris Gellar. Still, I grinned even wider. I was in my element.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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