Chapter 6

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Dear Reader:

Alright guys thanks for reading this but until i get a few more likes or atleast some feedback, I'm going to just wait on the 2nd part of this chapter. Have fun reading and if you get tired of waiting I do have a second story more of a sciece fiction but I'm sure my heroine will remind you of B.

Well I leave you to it, have fun!!

:) Ty



The king sat perfectly erect in his saddle looking every bit the royal heart throb when Brigham and her family poured forth from the house, all of them throwing suggestions of place she should go while there. Morgan watched her carefully as she mounted her horse; he would hate to have to prolong their journey because of her lack of skill, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that she mounted without so much as tipping the saddle in either direction.

“Have you said your goodbyes Lady Brigham, we must be on our way soon?” He whispered as he slipped on his riding gloves.

“Remember I’m not going for vacation I have to find these people before I can have any fun.” She shouted over her shoulder to her family before turning to answer the king. “Yes I have your highness.”

“Then let us be off.” He exclaimed to his men as they began the first leg of their journey to the Cloud Palace.

It would take them half a day’s ride to get to the city limits to catch the Monorail into Polairo*; the city at the base of the mountain, to ride another 4 hours up the side of the mountain to the peak where I capital city lays. The Monorails did not run on regular tracks made of metal but are supported by a special gel like substance; Manosin*, that is lighter than air but durable enough to hold the wait of the tram and its passengers. The Locomotives are Sphere shaped and usually bigger than the ones that hold the passengers. Each living area contains a two window seats, two luggage racks, a table and a seat compartment. In the compartment Morgan and Brigham occupy they sit across from each other , backs ramrod straight sneaking the occasional look at each other, seemingly unaware of the starry sky shooting pass their windows.

“Not to be rude or anything but I was wondering, why didn’t you just send someone with a message ordering me to come to the Palace.” Muttered Brigham as she fingered one of the crystal goblets the stewardess had brought along with their meal.

“Your parents had invited me to your party and I had planned on intended on going even before I had found about these kidnappings. Plus you rent one of my subjects so I could no order you to do anything you didn’t want to do. He replied as he watched her begin to eat

“I have heard that when the Emperor says jump people say how high, no matter if they are his subjects or not.”

Brigham regretted what she said almost the exact same moment she had finished speaking but it was far too late to swallow the words. Morgan’s already dark eyes darkened even more until they were absent of all color, his pupils had expanded and become lost in the whites and irises. Along with the sudden chill in the air and the harsh looking line that replaced his mouth, he resembled a predator; lithe dangerous and hungry. In the few seconds it had taken the change to happen he was back to normal if nothing had happened at all.

“I…I am not the Emperor Lady, you should eat before your food gets cold.” It took a moment for him to get the words out, but once they were Brigham knew there was an unspoken request to end this conversation.

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