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       It all started when I was 9. Young and careless with my Bulbasaur in the garden. My first pokemon and yet he fascinated me. How could a living creature carry a plant on its back? Dad wanted me to start becoming a Pokemon Trainer, but mom didn't want me to do that, especially when I just turned 9. They argued a lot about what's good for me or who knows me better, I never really understood what they said but I would be in my own little head of backyard adventures. I could have never imagined that the fight they had that night would be the start of my new life, the start of my new love, and the start of something much bigger than anything I could even dream.

"What should I name you? Barry? No that's too odd." she looked at her green friend, thinking, wondering. The sun was setting and the sky was painted orange with strokes of pink and purple clouds. "Kevin?" The Bulbasaur looked at her like she was crazy. "Yeah, I didn't think so either.. Hmm..." In the background, the little girl could hear her parents fighting again. Sighing she stood up and walked with her little black and pink buddy to the forest, giggling as it was trying to skip so she skipped with him, holding one of his roots like vines as if they were holding hands. "Whaaat aboouut Bubbles!!" That's when she heard her mother call for her.

"LUNA! LUNA NOTOS!" The girl and her Bulbasaur jumped a bit as they started their way back to the house, "Yes mama!" The two innocent minds didn't think much of it as they raced back to the house. 

       On the porch stood her mother, red eyes that were all glossy as a red mark was slowly forming across her right cheek. "Pack your bags. We're leaving." The little girl tilted her head as she looked at her Bulbasaur then back to her mom "But where are we going?" Her mother turned around, heading back into the house as she says "Anywhere but here." Looking back to her companion she nodded for him to follow her inside and started packing. Luna was confused, just as confused as her Bubbles, but she put berries in her backpack along with other things to keep her and her pokemon entertained. "Mama? How much do I pack?" The mother stopped for a bit, thinking. "As much as you can. At some point, we'll come back for the rest but for now, worry about your clothes."  Luna nodded and went back to packing hers and Bubbles things and helped her mother load them into the back of her truck. 

       Before she got to go back inside her mother put a hand on her shoulder and crouched down to look her daughter in the eyes. "Now Luna, I know this might be scary but I trust you to be a big girl. Alright?" Luna just nodded saying, "Bubbles can keep us happy" She gleamed to her mother. So innocent and calm about what was going on, she was surely an odd child but that was alright in her eyes. Luna was strong for her age. She may night have known what was going on but she could easily figure out that she and her mother would be going to a safer place. Running inside she grabbed the last of her things, threw them in her bag, and opened her arms. Bubbles knew what that meant and jumped up into her hold, Luna giggling as the looked at the somehow barren room and walked outside to the truck, hopping in and leaning back into the comfort of the seat. With Bubbles on her lap, the closest thing in her backpack, and the smooth rocking of the truck on the gravel road coaxed her to sleep, her hand laid still on Bubble's head as the two went to sleep.

       When Luna awoke she was in a small plane with her mother next to her and Bubbles still asleep on her lap. looking outside she could see a great ocean. Looking back over to her mom she asked "Mama? Where are we going again?". Her mother was reading a book, saying softly "To a friend of mines in Galar." "How much longer mama?" "Only another hour my sweet. We'll be safe on the ground in Hammerlocke soon enough." Luna sighed, she hated planes but it was better than a train. Looking back outside the window she watched the clouds pass under them, trying to find funny shapes among them. It was surprisingly time-consuming as the continent could be seen. She felt her gut sink a bit as she closed the window blind and watched Bubbles sleep calmly. Petting his head helped her stay distracted just long enough for the plane to land. The past two hours were a blur to her. From leaving the plane, finding all their luggage, and waiting for her mother's friend to come to pick them up. Luna was nervous as she was always more of an introvert to people. She just held her Bubbles close to her while her mother searched through her bag and handed her 20 Pokemon Dollars. "Seeing as how your Bulbasaur doesn't have a name or tag yet, go to that machine over there and get him one. " Luna looked over her shoulder to where her mother pointed. It wasn't very far at all and still in plain view. Nodding she took the dollar and ran over, putting Bubbles on the ground and typing in his name after putting the money in. Waiting quietly Luna looked to Bubbles. "What color collar do you want?" as she picked him up to look. "Bubu!!" she looked up. "Okay! Teal it is!" she giggled and pressed the button for it, after a bit the tag and collar popped out, allowing Luna to put it together and put in on Bubbles. "There you go! Now you're a real member of the family!" The two made laughs as her mother called over "Luna! Come here sweetheart! I want you to meet someone!"

       Looking at Bubbles to the two ran over, Luna hiding behind her mother's legs while Bubbles looked up to the new company. "Oh Luna, don't be shy, this is my childhood friend, Tracey." Peeking from behind her mother's legs she looked up at her. "Oh my! She's so gorgeous! Just like her Bulbasaur." Luna looked to Bubbles while he chirped. "How old are you sweetheart?" she asked crouching down to be at eye level. "N.Nine.." so shy and so sweet her voice was. Tracey smiled. "Well Luna, You're only a year younger than my son. Raihan." when she stood up to look in the back seat he was fast asleep with his Trapinch and Goomy. "Trained himself and his Pokemon tired." A small chuckle left the mother's mouth. "Well. Hop in and let's get you three home." 

       Luna held Bubbles while she got into the back seat, nervous as the kid's mothers caught up with each other during that drive. It wasn't a long drive but it was still more than Luna would have liked. Bubbles looked out the window the whole time with her. Smiling as her mind blocked out all sounds and focused on the passing fields of fluffy bundles of running cotton.

"Wooloo." She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at the source of the voice. "They're called wooloo." It was the boy that was once asleep next to her. Tanish skin, more on the darker side with teal eyes that looked tired and black hair pulled back in small dreads. He smiled a bit, showing off a gap in his smile. It made her giggle as the gap from his teeth made him look funny. "I'm Raihan." Smiling she looked over to him, speaking as if she's known him for years,

"I'm Luna."

Word Count- 1322

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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