Chapter 2

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            It was weird, I didn’t know what to do. This was for sure a whole new world. I had always thought that high school would be amazing. I didn’t know any of my new classmates. I wish I had stayed home even if that was the second day of school. The class was roomy, with desks for two persons that were put on three rows. I was lucky to choose my favorite seat since I got to be the first one in class. I chose the third desk on the middle row. I was curious who’s gonna be my desk mate. In a short amount of time the class was full with my new classmates. I could see the camera guy from yesterday, who even today got my attention. He slowly approached me and shyly asked:

            “May I sit here?” I timidly tried to smile at him.

            “Yes, you may.” After he sat down he began to take out some notebooks and a pen. The bell rang, but I didn’t care. I badly wanted to know his name. I was popping my eyes at the way he was organizing his things. I was startled when he suddenly turned his head.

            “What’s your name?” I asked. He stared at me with big eyes:

            “Do Kyungsoo. Yours?” I gave him a smile.

            “you.” Just then a teacher entered the class. We all stood up to greet her. Kyungsoo whispered:

            “You can call me asdkf.” I didn’t understand him so I asked him puzzled.

            “What did you say?” He smiled. By the way, he’s cute when he smiles. Kyungsoo opened his notebook and wrote something: You can call me D.O. I started to giggle.

            “It really resembles your eyes.” He cutely blushed.

            “YAH! What’s that noise?” It was our teacher’s shout. I unsuccessfully tried to explain.

            “I’ve just asked him. . .” She didn’t give me a chance to finish.

            “We’re gonna talk about your detention after class!!” And then she continued her lesson. Kyungsoo and I looked at each other and stupidly smiled.

            When class was over:

            “You two come here!” We heard our teacher yell. We slowly stood up and approached her step by step. With a calm voice, the teacher said:

            “Sweethearts, since you’re freshmen I’ll let this pass, but I’m going to talk with your class master to give you a punishment.” We listened to her lecture with our heads down, glancing at each other from time to time.

            The next break our class master entered and madly asked:

            “Who’s you and Do Kyungsoo?” We slowly stood up.

            “You are?” She seemed surprised. “I didn’t expect to be you, but I promised her that I’ll punish you. Today you’ll have to stay after your classes and clean the room!” After that she leaved. I sighed.

            “Don’t worry. I don’t mind cleaning up.” Kyungsoo laughed.

            “Really?” I shyly turned to see his face.

            “Well, I hate the mess and since I live alone I have to clean up all the time.”

            Finally school was over which meant that everyone would leave and only me and Kyungsoo were going to stay. It was already four o’clock.

            “So, where do we start?” I unhappily asked Kyungsoo.

            “Let’s get that bucket full of water then we will see.” On our way to the restroom he wondered out loud:

            “Why don’t you call me D.O?”

            “I like your real name.” I grinned. I know it sounded creepy, but it was the truth. Neither of us said anything until we reached the class.

            “What do you think about talking about each other after we finish?” Aaaaand this was creepier. He gave me a weird glance and for a second I thought that he would say “That’s strange”, but instead, a smile grew on his face.

            “That’s a good idea!” What a relief, I was going to have a friend.

            In the next few minutes or maybe hours we did our best to finish our work so we can get to know each other.

            “We’re done!” Kyungsoo finally said. “Are you hungry?”

            “Do you have food?”

            “Do you want some?” I nodded.

            Not long after that, he showed me the box which contained his lunch. The food looked delicious and smelled even better.

            “WoW!” My eyes were sparkling. He handed me the chopsticks.

            “Go ahead and eat, I’m not hungry.”

            “You’re sure?”


            While I was eating he began to tell me about himself. Then I found out that his dad had died when he was two. And after his mother remarried, she also died when Kyungsoo was ten, then his stepfather left him in his aunt’s care who helped him by buying him a little flat. I started to pity him.

            “I’m sorry Kyungsoo. . .” I told him with my mouth full of food.

            “I’ve got used to it. . .What about you?” I lost my appétit. He was an orphan and had given me his food? I chewed the last bite and put the chopsticks down.

            “Thank you for the food.” I smiled. “I’m an ordinary girl. . .I live with my parents and I don’t have siblings.”

            It was getting dark.

            “We’re going to stay here the all night?”

            I slowly start to smile. Even if we were punished that day, I was really happy. And after that day we remained together. I didn’t want any girl friend. . .Kyungsoo is really a true friend, but my feelings for him quickly changed and deep inside my heart I wanted him to be more than a friend. . .

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