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Hey hey I been read this story and realize that it not really what I picture of couse I am going to continue it. But I want to know from u guys your fee back so this is what I and going to the do write

1,2 and 3 for which one u want in the comments and remremember I want to hear what u have to say.


1) one will be if u want me to continue writeing the story the way it is!



Jordan:Hi Rose


2) write as the main character!

EXAMPLE:It was a long day at school *sigh* I am gald it over."Hey Rose""Oh hey Jordan what's up."


3) is write any other ideas u have for me to write.

SO put 1 OR 2 for which one u want in the comments and by the next to weeks we will deside what vote get's the most and that will be our winner!

And 3 is for any other ideas u have and dont be afraid of saying ideas.Because I am always open to your ideas and comments and read them.

Anyway thanks and plz vote it helps alot with your fee back and be sure TO VOTE!again thanks and love ya all *gives cookie* peace :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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