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Elowen had been visiting her sick mother for a week now when it happened, a stranger in the night seeking refuge from the deluge outside, their hair in low auburn and wet curls and their clothes soaking wet. Elowen knew that she shouldn't have opened the door, her mind had been screaming at her to leave him outside but still she did.

It was in early hours of the morning that Elowen was awoken from her slumber with her mother whimpering in pain beside her, Elowen slowly turned around in the bed, expecting her mother to be rubbing her chest in pain. However what she came face to face with was much different, she came face to face with their overnight guest clutching her mother's wrist to his lips, his eyes closed and his fingers digging into her mother's skin.

Horror flashed through Elowen, preventing her being able to move, her jaw had slacked and her brows had raised, demonstrating on her face her inner feelings, then the guest's face snapped to her so fast that it was a true wonder how they didn't get a whiplash, blood dripped from its mouth, eyes flaming crimson, a chocked gasp escaped her plump lips as she sated at it, soft doe eyes clashing with crimson red.

The rational part of Elowen's mind told her that this was not true, that beings such as the one before her, beings like the one her father-by-law and her husband hunted, beings that feasted on human flesh and blood were unreal, unnatural and a mere figment of the imagination, but the rest of her mind told her, screamed at her that the scene before her was very much real that there was a demon in her mother's home, a demon that she let in and a demon that was killing her mother right before her eyes, next to her in bed.

Chances were that if Elowen had stayed sleeping that the demon would have given the kiss of death but not that she was awake, afraid and ready to fight for her survival, the demon took no such pity, instead, he watched as the bright red-haired woman, temptation swimming in his eyes as his bloody lips curled into a wicked grin.

It was the kind of grin that exuded malice and cruelty and that was something that didn't sit well with Elowen, his eyes didn't move from her and the fear that filled Elowen didn't allow her muscles to obey her brain, at least not until the man said in a very guttural voice "Run..."

That's when her body obeyed, it jolted awake and Elowen leaped from the bed, her red hair flying everywhere as her nightgown fell to her ankles. Her bare feet slapped against the hard floor of the house and her figure fled from the bedroom, heading straight for the door, her shaking fingers pried the door open and she stumbled outside, soft rain fell but it was enough to wet the grass completely, the big round moon shun brightly and illuminated everything, the stars were the brightest that Elowen had seen in a long time, something that she would have stopped to appreciate if it weren't for the demon ordering her to run.

Once again the guttural voice ordered "Run..." just behind her, his proximity to her making the ginger jump out of her skin before obeying, her heartbeat rapidly in her chest and her breath was caught in her throat as she ran, her bare feet barely managing to carry her through the wet grass without slipping, her fingers gripping the front of her nightgown so tightly that they had turned white and the cold air of the night slapping her cheek, making them flush.

Unfortunately, before Elowen was able to reach the outskirts of the town in which her mother lived she was caught, a firm and hard arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back, her back pressing against a hard chest, a cold hand clutched her neck and held it in place. More fear than Elowen could have possibly thought she could create pooled into her like a river as she was forced in place.

"Such a pretty thing, sweet as well I bet." the same guttural voice claimed in her ear, making her shiver, "It's a shame. Truly." then before Elowen could even fathom what the man was doing pain flashed through her, hot and bright like fire. It filled her and etched through each muscle in her body, starting with her neck. She could feel her blood escape her body and something cold and painful take it's place, spreading throughout her veins, taking over, destroying the remaining of her blood, contaminating it.

Pained breaths escaped her body as it started to shut down, the cold hand tilted her head upwards towards the clear night sky, the stars shun brightly, elegantly and mesmerizingly, it was a beautiful sight to die watching. And it was the last one that Elowen did die watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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