Chapter 7: Jem

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I had to walk twice around the castle before I returned to my, or rather, Ilyas' room. Finishing the second lap, I almost walked by the tower again, my feet feeling the urge to continue my reprieve, but no matter how secure I kept the room, I still couldn't trust him. He was like an infant in a new world, and as likely to kill himself as to keep himself hale and healthy.

When I stepped into the tower room, keeping my breath even and calm as the room's heat rushed over me, Ilyas had perched himself on the ledge, the game board and pieces next to him. I stepped back. Perhaps I should take that extra lap. I planted my feet together on the flagstone. I had to face him at some point, even if my breath quickened and rawness pushed itself up my throat. He took his time in drawing his attention my way, enough time for me to calm myself again.

How did he manage in a mere moment to draw such powerful emotion from me? I, and everyone else, had thought that during the ritual I'd lost whatever feelings I'd ever possessed. I touched the back of my neck under the pale grey scarf I'd wrapped around it.

I'd checked the tattoo just a few moments before in a polished metal pot. The black lines edged my neck and covered my back. Soon its tendrils would creep along my jaw.

Ilyas gestured at the board, cocking a grin as he met my eyes. The only person to do so. I pinched my robe cuffs, and turned my attention away. I sat against the wall across from the bed roll, legs bent and eyes closed.

He would not gain the upper hand. It didn't matter how angry he made me, I would not fall for his bait.

A long moment followed in which I reined in the turmoil thrashing my belly. His bare feet whispered against the stones. Heat pressed between my collar bones as Ilyas stared down at me. Ilyas didn't know what I was. If he did, he would forget all his pride and cower in the corner, just like everyone else in Lumi.

My eyes blinked open. Ilyas knelt in front of me with the same smug grin.

"Play with me?" He grinned wider at his suggestion, as if he'd made a joke.

I let my eyelids drift down to hood my eyes, giving him my blankest, most unimpressed look.

"Oh come on, don't be that way." Ilyas slipped his booted foot between my knees. He might have come closer, if I spread my bent legs a little further. I wrapped my arms around my knees instead. "It's just you, and me, and this room."

"And your boredom." That's all this was. Ilyas' game. His echo of the Dark God.

"Exactly," he said, as if pleased his pet was clever enough to figure it out.

I turned my face away, closing my eyes again, willing him to leave me be, but he hovered over me. The heat of his leg melted my calves. I blinked my eyes open as he crouched over me. If he lost his balance, he would tumble onto my chest.

"Now, there's you, and there's me. I'm sure we can think of something two adults can partake in to while away the winter nights."

My abdomen clenched, my mind summoning image after image I'd glanced of adults partaking in just that, keeping each other warm and distracted from their hungry and aching bodies. What would it be like to touch Ilyas like that?

Ilyas didn't mean it. He was a proud prince, and he would never suffer an indignity such as sleeping with an uncut man. For even using a eunuch for more than a bauble. Which was exactly what Ilyas was suggesting.

But if I just pushed him a little farther, he'd press those plush lips of his against mine. Nip my lips. Send shivers racing through my body. Bring me to life.

I recoiled, although my body remained as still as possible. Ilyas didn't know better, and even so, he would never follow through. It was a trick, like the last time, distracting me so I wouldn't notice the lock hadn't clicked.

"What do you want?" My voice was gruff, unusually so, as if Ilyas' offer remained stuck in my throat.

Ilyas slid close enough to grind his chest against my knees. "Just the pleasure of—"

I cut him off by shoving him away. He tilted back, but caught himself on his hands. His foot remained between mine, so dangerously close. I met his eyes, although the intimacy made me wish I could crawl under a rock, and waited for him to speak his piece.

He shrugged, giving me an 'oh well' sort of grin. "I want to leave the tower."

I raised my brow, as he knew exactly what I'd say. I couldn't trust him to protect himself beyond my reach.

"I want to tour the town."

Ilyas volunteered to head into the cold to see my Lumi? As if Lumi was worth his time?

"That's what I want," he said, daring me to disagree.

I looked to the window, where I caught the flutter of my snow demon's wings as it checked the perimeter. The sky remained blue, although in only an hour, it would darken into crimson and violet the shade of Ilyas' eyes. I coughed.

"Or we could remain here, enjoying each other's company."

"Fine," I said.

He blinked. "Fine to what?"

"Fine, I will show you around the city."

He broke into a grin. He was planning something, and it required knowledge of the city.

I could indulge him in that.

To be continued...

A/N: Come now, Ilyas. You should have suspected that Jem wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. (And as I write that, behind me, my cat Danica meowed and pounded down a set of stairs after her mouse toy, and then pounded back up carrying it. She's just a little thing, but she makes a big boom. I think she just realised that I still exist.)

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Thanks so much for reading. ~Olivia  

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