Chapter 5

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"Sugarcube, Sugarcube are you awake?" Tikki's eyes few open to be met in close proximity to a pair of blazing green eyes. Without a word she grabbed his paw and pulled him outside onto the balcony.

"Plagg what are you doing here? What if there's an akuma and Adrien is looking for you?" Plagg just waved her off.

"You worry too much Sugarcube, besides Hawk Moth tends to go pretty quiet over Christmas" He sat himself down on the deck chair. Tikki floating nearby folding her arms still waiting for an answer. "My kitten's in love with your girl." Tikki shrugged.

"So? What else is new? Chat Noir has been in love with Ladybug since the very beginning."

"I don't mean Ladybug, I'm talking about Marinette." Tikki's mouth flew open. "He admitted it out loud tonight to me. He's seeing the girl behind the mask and now I have to put up with his dopey looks and love sick declarations all over again." Tikki's face took on a new determination.

"Don't pretend you don't care Plagg. I know you worry about your kitten more than you let on and Marinette does too. She's been up most of the night working on a surprise for him for tomorrow." Plagg conceded defeat and nodded.

"Ok, fine I admit it, I care. There you happy." Tikki had to stifle a laugh as Plagg pouted with his ears pinned down and his arms folded. She floated down beside him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I always knew you were more than just a Stinky Sock." She teased.

"Shut up." He continued to pout. "I need some assurance here Tikki. The kid can't be heartbroken again, I don't think he would handle it. Years of rejection from your Ladybug has made him nervous, but if he's ever going to be able to stand up to that so called father of his, he needs her support beside him, on both sides of the mask." Tikki's eyes lit up.

"Oh Plagg, you know Marinette been in love with Adrien for years and I know she loves Chat too. She would never reject him, but they might need a little push. Besides, Christmas is a magical time of year, just leave it to me." Plagg eyed her suspiciously.

"I know that look Tikki, what are you planning on doing?" But Tikki just shook her head.

"An insurance policy. Now off you go before you get missed." Plagg wasn't sure what any of that was about, but he trusted his counterpart so with a very Chat like bow he took his leave.

The rain poured down as Marnnette ran back into the bakery with her package. Shaking the water from her umbrella, she took off her raincoat before getting out her phone. Adrien had been texting her all morning, bored to tears waiting for her to come. He said he had set up Ultimate Mecha Strike V for them to play, assuring her he was much more improved since their last battle at Nino's place. She had to laugh, clearly he didn't mind having his butt served to him again, even if it was a very cute butt. She blushed at herself for thinking that, but it was true. Oh stop it Marinette!

Adrien: Good News! The doctor came and said I can finally leave my room! I improved quicker than he thought I would.

Adrien knew that his Miraculous had helped him get better faster than he normally would. It was one thing he was grateful to Plagg for. Well, there was other things, but he wouldn't want to inflate the grumpy Kwami's ego too much.

Marinette: That's great!

Adrien: Do you want to come help me shop at the Christmas Markets? I can come and pick you up?

Marinette: No!!!

Marinette: I mean yes, I would like to go shopping, but I'll meet you at your place.

Marinette: I have something for you

Adrien: Really?? I can't wait!

Adrien: I suppose I could kick your butt at UMS before we go *wink*

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