marked :: m.clifford

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Persephone sat on her queen sized bed, moving her new iPhone all over the place trying to find the perfect lighting. Her thumb hovered over his contact name and she felt a slight pull giving her second thoughts on what she was doing. Following her gut instincts, Persephone finally clicked the contact and pressed the FaceTime button.

Thinking back, she would think that overthinking about calling some person on FaceTime wouldn't cause so much fuss. She's always had a thing about being on FaceTime with people. Persephone always loved to see how a certain person acts whenever they are on. She always kept track of how long she would be on FaceTime with a person. Her longest record was nine hours and fifty-two minuets.

The sound her phone was making made Persephone's heart beat louder and faster. She was definitely panicking. Her pulse was quickening, she knew that this was what she needed. The ringing stopped and a noise came from the other side.


Persephone cleared her throat and forced a smile. Her heart was still beating faster than usual. She set her phone on the stack of pillows that sat at the foot of her bed.

"Hey, Ash. How is he?"

"The question is, how are you, Persephone? You're the one that went missing."

Shaking her head, she leaned forward. "I didn't go missing, I just ran off to a certain place where I made sure I wouldn't get hurt by any of you guys." She admitted. Persephone looked up from her phone and focused on her photos that were plastered all over her walls. She craked a small smile.

"You went missing, Sage. You were the girl we all love and care for."

"No. I was the girl with the marked skin."


don't hate me please for starting a new story and not finishing/updating my other ones. I will delete this if it doesn't get any votes/comments/favorites

marked :: m.cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now