Some basic advice

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This is just a list of some things you can do, explained in a bit of detail. We'll be adding more things to this, and for more in-depth advice, read on to see more specific things.

1. Try to eat less meat and dairy. We aren't saying that you should go vegan, as this is not possible for lots of people, but just having a little less of these things can seriously reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Avoid unnecessary flights. We don't mean you can't ever go on holiday again, but just try not to fly somewhere you could easily drive to or get the bus to. Even cars are better than planes.

3. Use public transport or walk where possible. Rather than driving down the road to get a pint of milk, just walk. And rather than driving into town, get the bus or cycle. Just simple things like this can make a big difference.

4. Get involved in your community/town. There are plenty of groups you can join, many of which will be local to you. We don't mean you have to join an activist group if you don't want to, but you could get involved in things like beach cleans or reforestation projects. And if there's nothing like that local to you, why not start something?

5. Simple things. Just turning lights out when you're not using that room, turning the tap of when brushing your teeth... just little things like this will not only make life a bit cheaper for you, but also help the environment.

6. Avoid buying unnecessary plastic. A lot of foods do not need to be packaged in plastic, so don't buy it like that. It's only killing the animals as it gets spread into the environment.

7. Use browsers such as Ecosia. This is a great browser you can install on your computer which plants trees when you use it to search things online. It costs absolutely nothing!

8. Buy an electric or hybrid car. We understand this is most likely not possible for most people, but if you're thinking about buying a new car, consider getting one of these, as their carbon footprint is considerably lower.

9. Educate yourself. Many people don't truly understand climate change and the impact they can have on it. Read news articles about it, magazine articles, watch documentaries, read books... the list could go on. But once you've educated yourself, you'll be able to understand how to help, and the solutions will become more obvious.

10. Adopt an animal. So many animals are endangered now, and they may seem so far away that you can't help, but adopting one could really help protect it.

11. Buy food locally. Why buy apples that come from the other side of the world when they can be grown just a few miles from where you live.

12. Try using ethical products. For example, buy plastic free, vegan makeup (I recommend Inika!)

13. Reduce the amount of clothes you buy, and try buying them from more ecological companies. If you don't know of any, search up 'eco clothing' or something similar online and there's plenty of brands to choose from. Also try buying second hand from charity shops or vintage shops. It can be hit and miss, but sometimes you can find amazing clothes.

14. Try to reduce your waste. With food, compost it. Where possible, recycle packaging as much as you can. And don't throw things out such as clothes unless you really have to. Instead, take your old things to a charity shop or try selling them.

This is ongoing... so not everything will be on here yet. Also, if you have anything you'd suggest we add, please mention it!


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