Friday, February 14th, 2019

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Friday, February 14th, 2019

After work, Clara hurried to go home. As she opened the door of her apartment, she saw David, her husband. She smiled and ran towards him to kiss him.

"Happy 10th anniversary honey." he said.

"Where do we go?"

"You'll see. You ready?"

"I just have to go to the bathroom. Wait for me."


David saw Clara get into the bathroom. He waited for her to get out. Clara got out after a few minutes.

"Clara Oswald, get your coat!"

"Yes Doctor. Yes Doctor Copperfield."

They got out of the apartment and sat in the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Let's make a trip in time and space."

"Where's our time machine? The car?"

"Yeah. It's my own Tardis."

"It's a car. You know it, right?"

"Then, let's say it's my DeLorean."

Clara laughed.
As David turned right, Clara recognized the small road finding it's way in the forest.

"Oh my god. Is that..."


David stopped the car on the side of the road. They got out.

"Do I have to close my eyes?"

"No. This time, you know where we are going. Follow me."

David guided through the forest. After five minutes, they arrived.


It was the same spot as five years ago. Clara ran to the stone in the back. She felt tears coming.

"David, you did it. This is the most romantic place ever" Clara said putting her hand on the stone.

"Too bad only us know about it."

"Well, let's have children. We'll show them the stone and tell them the story. Then, they'll have their own kids and they'll do the same. And one day, this place will be famous."

"Yeah. But, how long will it take?"

"Let's see... We have to wait until our family is so big that it covers the majority of the society. So I would say... a couple of centuries?"

"Well that's a lot of time. We'd better start now."

"You want to have kids? Now?"

"Yeah. But it will take a lot of time. Nine months."

"Well, that's the beauty of the thing, it won't take nine months."

"How come?"

"I'm pregnant."

David turned around and put his hands on Clara's shoulders.

"That's amazing." He chuckled. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure. I took the pregnancy test this morning. Positive. 2 months."

"I will be a father!"

David hugged Clara and kissed her, tears of joy falling from his eyes.

"See? I'm the one crying, now."

Clara took out a kleenex and wiped out the tears falling of David's cheeks.

"Here, take it."

"Thanks. Maybe we should write our guy's name on the stone."

"How do you know it's a guy?"

"I just... have a feeling. How would we call him?"

"What about a character of a TV show? Jack? Rory? Adam?"

"What was the book you were reading two months ago?"

"The Sea of Tranquility."

"What's the first name of the main character?"


"Sounds like a guy in the bible. Let's find something else."

"No wait. I know Joshua isn't the best name. But we can call him Josh. That's cooler. And it sure isn't biblical."

"Yeah, a lot cooler. So his name will be Joshua, but we'll call him Josh."

"What if Joshua is actually a girl."

"We'll write Joshua on the stone. And if Joshua is a girl, which I doubt, we'll keep trying until we get a boy."

"But we could end up with five kids."

"Well, this place will become famous faster. Plus, I'm a doctor. We'll have enough money for everyone."

"But I'm just a school teacher."

"I'll work harder."

"No please. My dad is a doctor. And he was never at home. Don't do the same with our child."

"Well, I'm sure it's a boy. But if you get a girl, we'll see."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I'm sure he'll be as pretty as his mother."

"And as sweet as his father."

"I absolutely love you."

"I love you too."

Clara kneeled down and wrote Joshua on the stone.

"Here you go. Joshua is officially a part of the family."

Clara gave David a short kiss.

"I guess this is place of great announcement."

"Of course it is."



"Maybe we should leave."

"You want to go back home?"

"No, I mean, maybe we should consider about moving from our apartment. And, I don't know. Buy a house?"

"You want to move? I thought you liked where we live?"

"Yeah. It's beautiful and very big. But with a baby coming..."

"I don't understand. It's big enough and..."

"I'm ready to bet that, Joshua, will want his own room. Please, David. Let's buy a house. Where we would be the owners of the place. No fear of being evict."

"Ok then. We'll buy a house big enough for our little family."

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